chapter 4

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Becky's pov

  A week was  left for daddy's goods to arrive and I've been praying incessantly for it to be a success.

I don't think my mind would be at ease until the goods finally arrive.

I don't really know why,but since daddy told us about the contract I've not been comfortable with it.

I'm almost done with my final year exams and have just two papers left to round up But I've not been concentrating on my books because of the whole contract.

I prefer spending my leisure time alone ,so whenever I'm done with a paper,I would go find a quite place to sit and start thinking.

I'm sure even Nancy doesn't get to understand me these days.

I need someone to share my grief with because it keeps creeping me out,perhaps I'll have a little bit rest of mind.

Today's paper was maths,and it really charged my brain.

Immediately I submitted my paper,I went to the school garden to smell all the lovely flower.

The garden always smells good with all the lavender,jasmine,almond,you name it.

The garden is always colorful with the bright and beautiful flowers in it,they make it beautiful and that reminds me of a saying.

"the most beautiful garden is the one that has different flowers in it"it rings true.

I came out before Nancy and she was all over the school searching for me but couldn't catch a sight of me.

She checked all the places she knew I use to go but to no avail and for some moment she thought I've gone home.

The flowers were giving me joy despite being lost in my thoughts.

You can still find a smile of triumph on my face,looking at the flowers alone gives me courage and for some moment I became 100% sure that daddy's business was  going to be a success.

As silly as I could be,I traveled to another different world envisaging myself in Amity university of india after daddy gets the money.

India is said to have the best doctors and that's why I've been dreaming to go to India to study medicine.

I could hear footsteps somewhere around me,but my fantasies were too strong to let me turn and have a glimpse of who it was.

How powerful nature is,from the flowers I look up to the blue sky wondering how god created such beautiful things.

Just then,I heard a tap on my shoulder and I quickly turned in fear.

That was when I realised I've been in some kind of imaginary world.

"Oh my!Nancy,it's almost scare me"I said with my heart beating fast as if I participated in some kind of relay race.

"What are you doing here all alone Becky?school is already over and it seems like your driver is already here to pick you up"Nancy said in a concerned voice with her hands on my shoulder.

"'s nothing Nancy,I...I'm just admiring the flowers in the garden.You know how much I love flowers. "I replied without looking at her.

"come on let's go,I heard you said the driver is here"

I quickly held her hands as we left the garden.

She looked at me suspiciously as we walk passed the garden and made it through the long pavement that stood between the senior classes which leads to the exit towards the school gate.

"I could tell you are not alright Becky, you are hiding something from me"She finally said after long walk of silence.

" it" I couldn't believe I lost words and she needs not a soothsayer to tell her that I'm really not fine.

"Shuussshhh!"she said putting her middle finger on my lips.

"Don't argue with me,you are not fine and I never thought you can hide your problems from me"

As it's said.A problem shared is a problem solved,I didn't hesitate to tell her what was bugging me.

"Don't worry Becky, you are just making a mountain out of more hill.

"Your dad is a business man,and he has been in the business world for so long.And let me tell me,business is all about taking risk.just keep praying for him okay.It's going to be fine,be positive okay darling"she said giving me a broad smile.

I smiled back as she gave me a tight hug just like mothers do to their children.

Her words were so powerful as they gave me courage.I hugged her back as we walked out of the school gate.

"Come join us,we can drop you home"I  said as she turned towards the road to take a tricycle home.

Stephanie who saw us coming frowned her face at the sight of Nancy,she knew we were giving her a ride and she hates that idea because she is a classic girl with classic friends so she never liked my low class friend.

That's why I said we don't get along,when it comes to social life.

She hates the way I mingle with low class people and said I have a bad taste.

"I don't know how Becky chose this plane Jane as a friend"she murmured to herself as I open the back door for Nancy to go into the car.

Soon,we dropped Nancy at home and i waved her a goodbye.

"Take care Nancy,send my regards to mummy.I can't go in,my siblings are waiting for me"I said through the window.

"It's okay!!!See you in school tomorrow "She waved me a goodbye as i wind up the glass.

I watched her entered the house and our driver drove the car away.

Stephanie was so annoyed because she has been hissing since the car stopped in front of Nancy's house.

Author's note.

Thanks for your  support. I'm sure you've already got your favorite character. Drop your comments and tell me who is your favorite character and why?
Watch out for chapter 5
Don't forget to make corrections, recommendations and advice if there is any

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