Seventy one // frat party - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Is that okay?" I asked, intertwining my fingers to Gia's
"Yeah" She smiled at me
Pulling her into my embrace, I'm quick to enfold her small figure with my arms. I plant a kiss on the top of her head, thinking how much it took to make her understand my relation with Nia and why I had to take her out sometimes. I know it must've been difficult to accept, especially from someone that is not in the business. And especially for someone like Georgia. She is stubborn and tends to only listen to what she wants whenever she is mad, but it's all worth it. I rested my chin on her head, feeling her warm breath fan over my the crook of my neck.
"And who was the guy?" I decided to ask after some time
"Kevin" I remember it was all she said
"Where did he come from?"
I pushed further, trying to gather more information about the asshole that thought he could take my girl out on a date.
"He's friends with Jason and Drew. We have a few classes together" She said, looking almost amused
"So he's around a lot" I conclude"Great"
It makes her laugh and even though I'm a little annoyed by the situation, the sound of her laughter washes the nagging feeling away.
"You sound jealous" Georgia teased, pretty pleased
"Don't push it, Valentyne"

The six of us have dinner together and I have to agree that this chinese place serves really good - and cheap - food. I spent less than 100 dollars to feed all of us and that really doesn't happen often. Lis does an amazing job convincing everyone to go to the party but the logistics is kind of messed up. There are six of us and only 1 bathroom, which wouldn't be much of a problem if we were all guys - but it's clearly not the case. I sit on the couch with Jason and Drew while we girls disappear into Gia's bedroom, or might I say, her former bedroom. I am offered a Playstation controller and a bottle of beer as a joint passes from time to time between the three of us. We begin to play Fifa when Georgia asks me to pick something for her in the car, seeing as we had already trunked all of her stuff and I that's when I feel my phone vibrating incessantly in my front pocket. I ignored Steph's latest attempts to contact me and ponder whether I should just block her number once and for all, but when I reach the device, it's Ashton calling me.
"What are you up to?" I ask, as soon as he answers the phone
"Not much" Ash tells me "Was about to hit the gym"
"I have a better offer. I'm going with G and her friends to a frat party at her Uni tonight" I tell my best friend, knowing damn well he will accept the invitation
"Say no more" He laughs " I'm in"
"Good! Bring me a spare T-shirt and some cologne"
"Sure, send me your location"
We hang up and still with my phone in hands, I see Steph's last texts to get rid of the notification appearing on the screen.

From Steph:
Are you sure you want to ignore me?
I know you miss me too
Thinking of you baby

I open the photo, more out of habit than curiosity, to see Steph posing in front of the mirror. And of course she's not wearing any clothes. I let out a sigh, reaching for the pack of cigarettes in my back pocket and pull one out, taking it to my lips. I inhale the smoke and immediately feel it ease some of the tension. Maybe I should just change my number, maybe then Steph will leave me alone.
"Are you lost?" I hear someone ask beside me, tearing me away from my thoughts
I look up to find a small blonde girl, also with a cigarette on her lips.
"I saw you walking in with Gia earlier today" She adds and I nod
"I just came out for a cigarette" I say "Gia is upstairs getting ready"
The mention of my girlfriend's name has no effect whatsoever on this girl.
"Can I keep you company then?" She offers and I played this game too many times now to know how it ends
And it doesn't end well when you are in a relationship.
"I'm almost done" I lie, throwing the cigarette on floor before stepping on it "It was nice meeting you"
"I don't know your name" She says when I'm about to leave
You won't need to know it, I think to myself.
"Calum" I answer trying not to sound rude
"I'm Barbara, but everyone calls me Barb"
I nod before walking away as I think to myself I won't be calling her any names. Maybe she's one of the people Gia mentioned, the ones she's not very found of and I can see why. This girl saw me walking in with my girlfriend and still thought it was a good idea to come hit one me. Go figure.
"My dorm is the 516, in case you get lost again" I hear her say behind me but choose to ignore it
I walk inside and rush to Georgia's apartment, where I find my girl arguing with her best friend over the clothes they will be wearing tonight. I give her the handbag, which she thanks me with a quick kiss on the lips but when I offer to help choosing the outfit for the party, the two girls are quick to throw me out of the room. I join Drew and Jason on the couch again, accepting the joint that lands between my fingers.
"He can't come and live here" I hear Drew say "He's not a student, plus Gia would freak out"
Both guys look at me and I simply shrug, silently telling them I won't say a word.
"She said she would pay her share of the rent until we found someone else, so she will be happy to know we have a third person" Jason justifies, attracting my interest. Gia tried to discuss finances with me the other day, stating she won't accept living in my house without contributing with the bills. Of course I dismissed her for the day, but I was sure the conversation would resurface some time again.
"Don't you remember the third person's ass is drowned in debts and barely has enough money to feed himself" Drew adds his part in a hushed tone
Ok, I think I caught up to what they are saying now. I remember Gia told me about Drew's brother and the money he owes.
"I told you I'm giving you the money I make at the club" Jason states "It's enough to help with his part of the rent"
"Maybe I can help" I intrude
"No, no way, man" Drew is quick to refuse "Thank you, I appreciate it a lot but Georgia would seriously kill me. She already pays my share of the rent here, then I make her give me the money she was saving to buy her car... I can't ask you for money, no way. I can't have it, thanks tho"
Jason is looking at me in a weird way. I don't know if he meant something I couldn't understand but Drew's words are still replaying in my mind. Not the part where Gia pays for Drew's part of the rent here because I already knew she helped him somehow. But when he said she gave him the money she was saving to buy her car. I know it's something she would do for the people she loves and it warms my heart to think I found someone as kind as this girl to have beside me. Living with her is a gift and I can't thank God enough for bringing her to my life. I know my girl well enough to know she would never accept my money in this matter so I'm cracking my head trying to think of ways I can help.
"I'm gonna take a quick shower before the girls interdict the bathroom" Jason says, leaving me alone with Drew in the living room - and I could almost certainly say he did it on purpose.
Drew is almost clueless.
"This time I will beat your ass" He tells me, offering the PS4 controller
I want to ask how much money Georgia gave him but can't decide if I should. If she would just let me help, I think to myself. I have plenty saved and it physically pains me to know something is concerning her when I could easily make a call and get it fixed.
Gia and Lis run to the bathroom, where they almost knock the door down trying to get Jason to exit the shower. All I do is drink beer and play Fifa while waiting for them to get ready or for Ashton to arrive, whichever happens first. The whole process takes about an hour, during this time even Drew and I manage to take quick showers - when our kind girlfriends allow us to.

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