Twenty five // truth

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Calum's POV

I asked Roy to come over today so I could show him where everything he'll need to babysit Duke is. He'll be staying in my place for the next 10 days while I'm in London with Gia. Ashton could perfectly do it since he lives two houses away from mine but he's not the best with dogs. And he actually told me to fuck off when I suggested. So I called Roy. And Roy who called Jesse, who called Ali, who called Kaitlyn. Luke called me to know if I wanted go to the movies with him and Sierra and when I told him why I couldn't join them, he called Ashton. Ashton called Reena, who called Mona, who called Shya. And you can see where this leads. It leads to me having a party I never wanted to throw in the first place. I'm gonna have to wake up super early in the morning tomorrow to catch a flight but I still have to deal with all my friends getting drunk in my backyard.

"Let's play a game" Luke suggests raising his drink in the air

"Truth or dare" Ali exclaims

"Are we back to sixth grade?" Ashton mocks her suggestion and I laugh

"Would you rather" Jesse says and my mind immediately goes to Georgia

She loves this game. She loves most drinking games but I remember when she told me that Would you rather was her favorite. We were in my car after going to a club for Andy's birthday and I was driving us to my favorite diner. I still remember looking at her in awe while she ordered a bunch of food. I still remember what she was wearing that day. I remember thinking that I wish I hadn't taken Nia as my date that night because I couldn't keep my eyes off Georgia. She looked so good in that red leather skirt. It was only my third time seeing her and I remember thinking that I never wanted that night to come to an end. But everything comes to an end. Gia still isn't talking to me. I tried to call her yesterday but it went straight to voicemail. I guess she blocked my number. I sent her two texts today and she didn't even answer. I could see she was really mad at me but she didn't even let me explain myself. She didn't even listen.

"Maybe we can just casually sip our drinks" Ashton says

"Hey, Reena. Game or no game?" Roy jokes

I don't know why he still insists on trying to hit on her but he does. Reena only rolls her eyes at him making me laugh.

"I'm game" Jesse says

"Me too" Nia sides with him

"Wait up! I'll have to grab another beer then" Ashton rolls his eyes and stands up to go to the kitchen

"Grab one for me too" I tell him

We all decide on which game we're going to play while Ash walks inside the house to bring us more drinks. I check my phone once again. 10:14p.m. This party is far from being over and my friends are nowhere near from being done with the night. And I still have no texts from Georgia. She really takes the whole ignoring thing seriously. Ash comes back from the kitchen hugging 5 bottles of beer and hands one out to me.

"I had a piece of that pie" He tells me "What is it? Cherry?"

"What pie, bro?" I ask chuckling

"On your counter" Ashton says "It's really good"

A pie on my counter. Is this a code for sex? Like eat your cake. 

"Are you talking dirty to me?" I joke and Ash laughs with me

"You wish" He says

"What are you talking about, mate?" I ask still trying to understand what he's talking about

"I'm talking about the fucking pie on your kitchen counter. I had a piece and it was good" He impatiently says "What is it so hard to understand?"

My fridge is almost empty and I know for a fact that I didn't buy any pies so I'm having a hard time understading what Ashton is talking about.

REMEMBER // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now