Shawn: "You girls would never lose me."

Ariana: "We had trouble sleeping last night and mom was crying a lot."

Shawn: "No matter what happens, you guys would never lose me. I'm gonna be here forever no matter what."

The girls smiled.

I held onto Shawn's hand and he smiled.

Shawn: "Watch out for my arm.."

Alessia: "Yeah."

Shawn: "I'm just glad you guys are here. I'm always happy when you guys are around."

Alessia: "Awww we'd never forget about you."

Shawn: "Did you girls still do the play?"

Ava: "No, it got postponed."

Shawn: "Aw i'm sorry I ruined the play for you girls. I know you girls were excited."

Ava: "Yeah, we were."

Shawn: "When I recover, i will definitely come to your school play. What play are you guys doing?"

Cristina: (smiles) "We can't tell you, you have to find out by yourself. Mom already knows but mom can't tell you."

Shawn: "Okay, smarties. I'll wait."

They laughed. I smiled. It was so good to see the girls happy again and I was starting to feel better too. 

Alessia: "So, you got surgery next?"

Shawn: "Yeah, I got surgery. I am kind of scared."

Alessia: "You'll be fine, love."

Shawn: "I know i will be, with you by my side."

I smiled. He was so cute.

Alessia: "Love you."

Shawn: "I love you too."

I went closer to him and we kissed. 

Ava: "Ugh, I can't believe we saw that!"

Shawn: (laughs) "Sorry."

Alessia: "You girls will get used to it, haha."

They smiled as they look disgusted.

Alessia: "Did you eat anything?"

Shawn: "Yeah, but the food kind of sucked."

Alessia: "Do you want a sandwich? I could go get one down there."

Shawn: "Yes, real food. Yes my love, I want that."

Alessia: "Okay."

Shawn: "But after my surgery, cause i can't eat right now."

Alessia: "Ok."

After we discussed, it was time for Shawn to do his surgery. After his surgery, he fell asleep again. After he slept for about 2 hours, we ate lunch together. We had the sandwiches that I wanted to get earlier. After eating, we continued discussing. I was feeling really happy now. The doctor walked in.

Alessia: "When is he going to be discharged?"

Doctor: "When his body comes back to normal from the surgery, he will be discharged but can't go home."

Alessia: "When can he go home?"

Doctor: "Um maybe in about 2 weeks, it depends on how the surgery is. The surgery will cause some side effects like pain in the chest or in the stomach. And you might experience some cramping. If the pain reduces, then he can go home but if not, he will have to stay for another week."

Shawn: "So that's why I was experiencing pain 10 minutes ago."

Doctor: "You'll be okay."

Alessia: "Yeah."

Doctor: "He won't be able to perform till his arm recovers."

Alessia: "Yeah, for sure."

Hearing that Shawn was going to be home in 2 weeks made me really happy. I couldn't wait to be in his arms again and for our family to be better again. The girls were excited too. The school play will still go on and they can be able to celebrate their 9th birthday which was in a month now. Yeah, I know. They grow fast. But you know what they say, the young shall grow. I was really hoping for his arm to recover too so he could be able to perform again. I spent the day with Shawn and headed back home. I was happy there was finally good results even though he wasn't going home.

A/N: Well, now he had surgery and his injuries are recovering a little, will Shawn be able to go home without any side effects? Next chapter coming out tomorrow!

Whenever You're Ready (S.M & A.C)Where stories live. Discover now