Chapter 2

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23 minutes later.
I got home and found dad sitting with Victoria at the dinning table.
"Victoria why are you home so early"I asked.
She responded with nothing and that was very strange.
Well I pushed my thought away and asked my dad why he called he here.
You are getting married Brianna Miles.
Brianna's POV
"Whatt!!!" I asked my dad
"Don't you dare raise your voice at me Brianna you are getting married and that is final so go to your room and get dressed your future husband and his family are coming to have dinner with us" My father yelled at me.
Victoria just stood there shocked.
I ran to my room crying.
I sat on the floor and cried my eyes out.
After 10 minutes my dad yelled "Get down here Brianna"
I knew the maids had prepared dinner and everything was set.
Victoria came to my room and helped me dress up.I was still not happy with my father's decision.
I decided to wear a yellow dress which was a bit short but I didn't mind.
I heard unfamiliar voices downstairs and knew that my future husband and his family had arrived.
I dried my tears and walked downstairs.
I saw an old couple which I guessed were my in-laws.
I saw two men one looked like the great Carlos Gustamante who was a well known billionaire and as far as I know he had a girlfriend.
"Did he ditch her for me or will he still be with her even if we are married"I thought to myself.
"Have a seat please"my dad said and I went to the kitchen to serve them with water.
I served water and sat.
The old man introduced himself saying he was Nicholas Gustamante and seated next to him is his wife Paula.
He pointed Carlos and said "This is Carlos Gustamante the man you are going to get married to and this is David my younger son"
I smiled and said "hi."
No doubt they were very handsome.
I was quiet throughout the discussion.My father was acting all nice and it was pissing me off because I know he hated me. They decided our engagement will be in 2 weeks from now.
I asked why they were marrying me off.
Paula said"Sweetheart you know Carlos owned one of the biggest companies in the world and he needed a wife to support him" I just nodded my head and smiled
She seemed to be very sweet and I started to like Paula she was sweet.
Carlos has not spoken but he kept starting at me which was very awkward.
"I think you two should go upstairs and get to know each other while we plan your engagement"Paula said and I nodded.
We went to my room and there was an awkward silence.
I asked him about himself and he told me.He told me that he broke up with his girlfriend because of this marriage well I felt bad and told him there was no need for that.
He said he could not cheat on his wife
I blushed and looked down
"You like him"my conscience said
"Shut up"I said loudly and Carlos looked at me
I heard my dad call me from downstairs.
It was time for Carlos to go
He waved goodbye the next thing he did left me speechless.

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