Chapter 1

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Brianna's POV
Growing up as a girl in the Miles family has been very hard. My mum Alicia died when I was only 12 years old.She killed herself because my dad Líon cheated on her.
My sister Victoria was the quiet type.
I am just a year older than her.She was closest to my mum and she always cried anytime she was alone.
To be honest I really missed my mum.
"Brianna!!!" my dad shouted from the living room
"Yes dad" I'll be down in a minute for breakfast.
"Victoria are you ready for school" I shouted
"In a minute sister"I told my sister.
To be honest my sister can be really lazy at times.
She was in her final year in college and would be graduating in two months time.
I dressed up in a white office shirt with my black pencil skirt.
I fell from the staircase last night so I could not wear heels.I grabbed my flats and rushed downstairs for breakfast.
"Good morning dad"I greeted politely but as usual he ignored me.
My sister came downstairs and we ate breakfast.
I dropped Victoria to school every morning and she picks a bus back home.
I silently ate my breakfast and rushed out with Victoria because we were late.
I dropped Victoria at school and went to the flower shop where I work.
At 20,I am already planning to move out of my dad's house. He stopped abusing me when I turned 18.
Well after my mother passed away,my father put up the attitude of drinking.
Time flied quickly and it was time to go home
I didn't want to go home so I planned on meeting my best friend Mia.
We decided to go to our favorite coffee shop.
"Hey Mia" I said hugging her.
I missed her so much I have been busy so we didn't have much time to meet up.
"You gained weight and your curves fit perfectly in that pencil skirt"Mia said and I giggled.
While having the coffee I received a phone call from my dad and he told me to come home immediately.
It was quite strange but I had to leave.
I told Mia I would text her when I get home.
23 minutes later.
I got home and found dad sitting with Victoria at the dinning table
"Victoria why are you home so early"I asked
She responded with nothing and that was very strange
Well I pushed my thoughts away and asked Dad why he called me here.
You are getting married Brianna Miles.

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