The Queen of earth

Start from the beginning

Marcus:(on coms) There are actual pilots in the gears, so don't destroy them.

Gaze:(on coms) You want us to hold back?

(Y/n): Tch... How is calling them going along?

Marcus:(on coms) It's like talking to a wall!

Gaze:(on coms) I know what that's like...

Daniel:(on coms) What do we do?

Azrexel punches a gear, then rips off the armor plating on its back.

(Y/n): The only way we live is if Marcus talks to them. So we're going to give them a reason to talk to him.

(Y/n): Marcus, you and I are going to the front of the ship where the people on the bridge can see us. I have a plan.

Marcus: I'll meet you there.

Marcus then flys off to find the bridge of the mothership.

Azrexel in the meantime began using one of the dragoons to write something on the armor plating that he took.

Once he was done, Azrexel jetted after Marcus as the others protected the ship by being moving targets.

Crashing through any gears that got in his way, Azrexel arrived at the front of the ship where he found Marcus flying around like a fly trying to avoid getting swatted.

(Y/n): This might get rough...

Marcus:(on coms) What are you-

Azrexel grabbed the S.I.N.E.D Pride and rushed towards the bridge of the mothership.

Like a bird flying into a window, the two gears smacked into the bridge. As they were against the bridge window, Azrexel held up the armor plating he took that now had "Prince Marcus→" on it. It had an arrow pointing to him.

As more gears began surrounding them, about to shoot, they suddenly stopped.

???:(on coms)... Speak.

Marcus:(on coms) Hello mother. It's me, Marcus...

???:(on coms) Get inside. Now.

Marcus:(on coms) Yes mother.

With that said. The Box docked onto the mother ship and its crew was brought on board as soldiers ran into the Box to make sure nothing was going on.

(Y/n): Wait, what do you all think you're doing!?

Daniel placed a hand on his shoulder.

Daniel: Drop it, there just doing there job.

(Y/n): They better not break anything or mess with Azrexel.

The group was escorted to an office. With golden trimmings on everything, this was obviously an office fit for a Queen.

Besides them the office was empty, but it didn't stay like that for long.

The office door opened, and the sounds of heels clicking could be heard as a person entered.

They turned around to see a woman.

They turned around to see a woman

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(Y/n):.... Where is the queen? We need to talk to her.

Gaze: Are you serious?

Daniel: Knowing him, he probably didn't care enough to remember what she looked like...

Marcus: Hello mother.

Queen: Hello son.

The two hugged.

(Y/n): Wait, she looks younger than my mother. Don't tell me... They figured out how to stop cellular aging.

(Y/n): What's with Trudian and keeping secrets.

Queen: It's good to see you son, but...

She ended the hug and with a quick swing of the hand, she slapped Marcus.

Queen: Why are you here?

Marcus: Fair enough... Because of him.

He pointed towards (Y/n).

Marcus: I made the error of accepting his challenge. He defeated me and I was forced in the name of my pride to reveal the secret.

Marcus: The mad man then suggests we come to end this war, and I agreed along with the rest of us here.

She then walked up to (Y/n). On the surface of it looked like the Queen was staring at him like he was a worthless pebble she found in her shoe, but (Y/n) realized the facade and what she was truly doing.

Queen: Do you think you can win this war were I've failed to do currently.

Marcus: Mother, he may not look like it but he is a genius-

She raised her arm to stop him from continuing to speak.

Queen: I can figure him out on my own, son.

Queen: Answer.

(Y/n): I have no interest in winning this waist of time you call "war". I believe we can end it, however.

Queen: How?

(Y/n): Simple. With peace.

Queen: Peace?

(Y/n): All we need is you to help us get a path to Mars, and we'll end this war.

Queen: How old are you?

(Y/n): How old are you?

Aiba: Don't sass the queen.

(Y/n): I don't care who she is.

Daniel: You kind of should...

Queen: You wish for me to entertain this childish idea, then I want something in return, but we'll discuss that after you've all rested. You all look like a certain daughter of mine.

Marcus: Elain...

Queen: Go get rest, then we'll speak further. Except for Marcus, we have some catching up to do.

The four were then escorted back to the Box where they went to sleep. Marcus stayed to talk to his mother.

Meanwhile, a scientist is making a report to his superiors.

Scientists: The world breaker is nearing completion. It should be done by the end of the week.

Boss 1: Good.

Leonardo: Tell me about the Noir project.

Scientists: Well, we've made slow progress since it's been put on hold.

Leonard: Not anymore. Get it done now!

Scientist: Yes sir!

He runs if to begin work on the projects.

The other two people there look at Leonardo.

Boss 2: Care to explain?

Leonardo: No.

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