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yoongi called everyone to the living room.

"pack meeting time!" yoongi yelled.

"since when did we have pack meetings?" jimin asks teasingly.

"since now, i guess" yoongi shrugged.

everyone sits on the couches, hoseok was next to yoongi, he looked at him and hoseok looked back at him, giving him a single nod.

"i'm sorry guys" yoongi says putting my head down.

before anyone can start talking he started talking again.

"i'm sorry for everything, i was the one who caused all this. my stupid jealousy shouldn't have been in the way. i realized i hurt joonie for all those years, i don't think i deserve him." yoongi says as everyone in the room was taken aback.

"don't say that!" namjoon says with tears in his eyes.

"it's true, joonie, i don't deserve you, all those years, you have shown nothing but kindness, while i was being a jealous bitch that always cared about leadership" yoongi says, a tear running down his cheek.

"i made hoseok this way, it's my faut, i influence him for all these years, he was so naive, i'm so sorry, i'll do anything to make up for what i have done" yoongi says.

"you don't have-"

"yes i do" i say, looking at namjoon in the eyes.

silence was in the room, before it was broken by hoseok.

"i'm sorry too, i hurt joonie a lot. my love shouldn't have gotten in the way of my friendship with namjoon" hoseok says as he looks down sadly.

"i'll do anything, just please anything" he says.

the silence again.

seokjin sighs. "it's not up to joonie if he should forgive you or not" he says.

"i already forgave you" namjoon says.

"we want all of your trust back" yoongi says as hoseok nods along with him.

everyone looks at namjoon.

"to get my trust..." namjoon says.

"you have to earn it" he finishes off.

"if you promise not to break my trust again, i'll forgive you, but i'll never forget what happened" namjoon says.

"guys! let's not be sad!" taehyung tries to cheer the mood up.

"let's watch a movie!" jimin says as the others agree.

"good idea!"


sunflxrchim💫: two more chapters left

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