( v ) . caught

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🧸 ₊˚🥨˚₊🧸

as namjoon opened the door to the dorm as quietly as he could, seokjin took no time to stomp over to namjoon from where he was waiting at the front door, ready to tell namjoon off. 

the rest of the members followed closely behind the oldest.

"where were you, young man?" seokjin says with his stern beta tone. the rest of the group just stared at the duo by the front door, yoongi and hoseok trying to suppress their smirk.

the rest of the pack was behind seokjin, looking kind of mad but also annoyed, 'probably because they had to wait for someone like me' namjoon thought, he was really insecure, all the members remind him indirectly that he's never going to be at their level. 

he knows he shouldn't think this way, but he can't help it.

"i-i uh, was at the studio," namjoon tries not to stutter into submission. yoongi's smirk widened, he doesn't know why, but he really loves seeing namjoon being, as he calls it, a weak bitch, it's what he wants to see.

"unbelievable," seokjin says shaking his head for getting ready to tell him off. 

namjoon closed his eyes for what's coming.

"you have a break for a month namjoon! a fucking month! even yoongi's not going to the studio anymore, why the fuck are you trying avoid us huh? are we burdening you! answer me!"

 namjoon thought about what seokjin said for a few seconds. 'no but i'm probably a burden to you,' namjoon thought as he just tried to blind back tears at seokjin's act of dominance. 

hoseok's smirk just widens, in his sadistic mind, he loves seeing namjoon cry. 

seokjin noticed this, he thought namjoon was acting weird seeing as he was the so-called alpha.

 "come here," seokjin's voice softens, his arms wide to give namjoon a comforting hug, but namjoon just shook his head.

"namjoon?" he asked out loud because namjoon was acting really differently these past few days and namjoon inhaled sharply.

"i smell caramel!" jimin suddenly says, sniffing the air.

"and slick," taehyung adds, copying jimin's actions.

'oh shit' namjoon thought as he steps backward and seokjin steps forward, still with wide arms towards namjoon.

"n-no you don't" 'why did i stutter?' namjoon scolded himself inside his head.

the overwhelming situation caused namjoon's scent to become more prominent, with caramel other than the rainforest scent that the members thought he would have. they were also confused as to why namjoon was being so defensive.

it probably wore off.  

namjoon was so close to fainting.

namjoon was lying if he said he wasn't scared.

"is that why you were at the studio?" yoongi decided to make namjoon even more scared as the smug smile never left yoongi's face.

"probably," hoseok laughs, placing his hand on yoongi's thigh.

as the seconds passed by, namjoon got even more nervous and anxious as he was trying to keep his cool.

the pheromones caused seokjin to tilt his head at the unexpected scent coming from namjoon. seokjin's honey scent was mixing in with namjoon's and that caused the others to feel sick since it was so strong and overwhelming, it was affecting the members. 

"what the fuck!" yoongi says as he holds his head since all this was giving him a headache. 

it was giving all of them a headache, really.

"namjoon, why do you smell like caramel? did you hook up with an omega and not tell us?" seokjin retorts.

"or are you the omega," yoongi adds, chuckling.

namjoon tensed up at what yoongi said.

seokjin noticed this.

"no! he's an alpha!" taehyung shouted from the background.

namjoon internally thanked taehyung.

"he seems more like an omega, he's totally hiding something," yoongi smirks.

"omega bitch!" hoseok shouts out as they laugh and jimin glares at them.

namjoon didn't really care at the moment, all he wanted to do was to make a run for it to his room and just jump in his bed and stay there forever.

"it's really not the time to be laughing, hoseok and yoongi hyung," jimin says as yoongi just rolls his eyes and hoseok glared back at jimin, but jimin wasn't affected by the glare.

"namjoon hyung! please tell us what happened, we won't say anything!" jungkook shouts as namjoon just looks at him and shakes his head, he was starting to feel dizzier and dizzier.

"joonie hyung, please tell us," taehyung says in a worried tone at how namjoon was walking backward lopsidedly.

"yeah, tell us," yoongi says sarcastically, rolling his eyes as hoseok just chuckled.

"whatever, who cares if he's an omega or not?" hoseok says bluntly as yoongi agrees.

"he could be anything, and i wouldn't care," yoongi says with a smirk.

"it'd be good for our ruts, that's all we need an omega for!" hoseok shouts as seokjin glares at the both of them.

"please keep your mouth shut for once," seokjin shuts them up as he turns back to namjoon, "baby, please tell us," seokjin says as he tries to approach namjoon even closer and namjoon was feeling even more closer to fainting.

"b-baby," namjoon stutters as he goes back even further.

"yes, baby," seokjin says with his motherly tone as his honey scent was becoming even more prominent, he was really trying to calm the omega.

"please tell us, omega," at last, seokjin already knew what was going on, namjoon was actually an omega and he didn't tell them.

he couldn't believe he didn't notice that earlier, but when all these hints kept coming up, he put the pieces together to conclued the fact that namjoon was actually an omega.

seokjin was about to walk to namjoon to scent him but that did it for namjoon as he collapsed and seokjin was quick to catch him, his eyes widening.


🧸 ₊˚🥨˚₊🧸 author's note :

1k words

hope you enjoy this chapter! 

what a crazy month this will be~ 💎

this story is getting iNteReStIng, i love bottom namjoon, ugh, but sope is always going to be in one way or another, they're superior 🏳️‍🌈 .

anyways, thank you for reading !!

and remember, joonie is a  cutie 🥺 💓 💖 💗 💕 💞 

try changing my mind 😤

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