( xxxiii ) . better?

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hoseok was surprised, where he expected yoongi to get angry at him, he burst out with tears instead.

"hyung, i'm sorry," hoseok himself wanted to burst out in tears too as he reached an arm out of the closet to yoongi's shoulder, patting gingerly.

"all the pain we put namjoon through, it's just, absurd, don't know whether to laugh or cry," yoongi says through sobs as hoseok stares at him empathetically.

"i know it's not the right time to say this but namjoon didn't do anything," hoseok says slowly, eyes shooting to yoongi to see his reaction through his mental breakdown.

"do you even realize what we did to namjoon you fucking dickhead!?" yoongi yelled as hoseok flinches from the derogatory term he used to describe him.

"you think i didn't know!? taehyung already sent us the receipts," yoongi says and a part of hoseok wanted to strangle taehyung but he deserved it.

"receipts?" hoseok mumbles as yoongi took his phone out.

"taehyung added every member except you and namjoon to a groupchat and sent all these photos and voice recordings." yoongi says, showing hoseok the history of the 'save namjoon' chat.

hoseok reads and tries not to grit his teeth.

"so, i'm asking once again, did you realize what you have done? are you still mad that he took my much desired leadership role!?" yoongi shouts as hoseok cowers in fear and dares to nod.

"well that's all in the past now so you can leave it now, it's over between us! no intimacy until you change yourself!" yoongi shouts and was about to walk out of the room until hoseok stops him.

"well, have you realized what you have done?"

for the first time, hoseok didn't feel a pang of hurt from yoongi's words, for the first time, he was against yoongi and felt that he was wrong.

he didn't feel the obsession to listen to yoongi's every word.

yoongi stopped and turned around slowly.

"what do you mean?" yoongi asks out of confusion.

"have you realized your influence on the pack, especially your influence on me?" hoseok says, while yoongi stays silent, hoseok decided to continue.

"have you realized the reason why i hate namjoon is because you hate him too? you taught me that he was the bad guy, so now it seems the other way around." hoseok says as yoongi was about to protest but hoseok interrupts.

"so if you want me to change myself, change yourself first," hoseok finishes with a flourish as yoongi looks at him guiltily.

"you're right," yoongi says, head bowed down.

"i only had a heart for you, yoongi hyung, you made me this way," hoseok says solemnly before looking down. yoongi's eyes soften.

"what?" he asked confused.

"you lead me into hell, and never thought to take me back, your concern if focused on everyone but me, except for when we do it," hoseok explains as yoongi's eyes widen.

"you left me in the dark side..." hoseok trails off.

yoongi sighs and he places his palm on his forehead. "i'm sorry, but you need to learn to accept namjoon too."

hoseok just nods, "i'll try but i'll need help, please yoongi hyung," hoseok begs, he looked so vulnerable right now, yoongi has never seen hoseok this desperate.

yoongi just nods slowly pulling hoseok into a hug.

"hyung?" hoseok peeks out from the hug.


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