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ahhhhh! i can't believe it has finally come to an end.

thank you all so much for being patient with me and supporting this book no matter what 🥺 i feel so happy to know that some of you guys really enjoyed my work! though it's crappy most of the time.... but your positive comments makes me go 🥰 and thankfully this time i didn't stop halfway like most of my old ffs lmao, what an achievement!

idk if you guys are actually satisfied with the ending :( but i somehow love the ending! i thought about it for a very very long time (peep on why i didn't update the book lol) on how should i finally end this book but the thought of them spending their time together before parting ways suddenly came into my mind and ta-da! the result hehe.

this ff still needs to be edited but for now i'm gonna take a big fat nap because i'm sleepy and this is a reward for myself 😎

anyways, that's all for today's update.
last update hahahahaha.
till next time everyone!

oh! btw, i'm thinking about adding a bonus chapter for this book but hmm idk yet. let me know if a bonus chapter sounds good to y'all okay?

once again, thank you for supporting 8teen!

- kngmnhs

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