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" JIYOON! " junho immediately gave his older sister a hug. he knew that she had came back to south korea earlier around dawn—since he heard light footsteps coming inside the house during that time of the morning, the actual reason that made him suddenly awake. he wanted to say hi and tell her how much he missed her presence,  but he figured that she should rest for a while and greet her later instead—which was now.

" hey there kid." she ruffled his hair and hugged him back, embracing her little brother in her arms. " how's school? "

" hectic." he broke the hug between them. " don't even ask."

" why so? "

" i don't know. a lot of things are going through my mind nowadays." junho let out a sigh. jiyoon can sense the tiredness and stress from him lately. you can say that it's from her 'sibling instict'.

" well then— tell me! what's the function of me being your big sister? "

" SO YOU'RE PLANNING TO SNEAK OUT? " junho nodded towards her response.

jiyoon furrowed her eyebrows and placed her chin on her palm— a habit of hers everytime she's trying to figure out on how to overcome a situation. she then continued to cross her arms to her chest and sat next to junho.

" i think i can help you. i mean, our parents won't be around right? " she raised a brow, which earned a nod from junho once more. " i think i can send you to school! just tell me when to pick you up."

" really? you would do that for me? "

" anything for my little brother." she ruffled his hair once again. " have you found your costume yet? oh! let's go shopping together! we can find your costume for the festival." she exclaimed excitingly. it has indeed been a long time since went out.

" i feel bad." he suddenly confessed, letting out another sigh afterwards. he began to massaging his own nape and looked down to his feet.

" no you're not junho." she placed her hand on top of his shoulder, trying to comfort her brother. " you've always been taught to obey to their orders and follow their rules to the point that you can't even notice the things that they're doing to you. it's like they're turning you into some sort of human robot." she paused for a second, before continuing. " you know what i regret the most? "

" what is it? "

" i regret not being a teen. " she said. " i regret listening to my parents. i regret not acting like someone my age back in highschool." jiyoon then smiled." and i don't want you to feel the same way too in the future."

his sister's words somehow made him felt comforted and relieved, and it surely made his worries gone—for a while. junho somehow felt at ease once again. although, the guilty feeling might come and consume his thoughts again soon, but for now he needs to put all of his worries behind.

8TEEN. CHA JUNHO ✔️Where stories live. Discover now