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the trio began to walk together— side by side— towards the big mansion in front of them. the gates slowly opened as they stepped forward and followed along the pathway for guests to enter.

" i never knew junho's house was this big. " seunghee said as her eyes scanned around the house. " are you sure this isn't a some sort of resort spa or something? "

" one hundred percent positive." mia giggled. " i have to say it does seem a lot bigger compared to his house before, don't you think minhee? " she then eyed the boy.

minhee could only shrug. " i guess? "

as they all stopped in front of the main entrance, mia began to press the doorbell.

a few minutes later the large door suddenly opened, revealing not one— but two guards. they were tall and intimidating, wearing nothing but the usual black tuxedos paired with their shiny black leather shoes. the two males eyed the teenagers standing in front of them, scanning them from head to toe.

" please state your business." one of them, his voice as deep as the ocean. seunghee sweared if mia and minhee weren't beside her right now she would've run away like a scaredy cat.

" we're junho's friends." mia simply replied with a smile. " maria kim! my parents own the kim trading company? "

" kang minhee." the boy said, before continuing. " our parents are business partners."

" and you? " the other guard began to question as she looked at the other girl who has yet to introduce herself. they could sense that he was starting to become suspicious.

mia immediately cleared her throat and linked her arm with her's as she bring her petite body closer to hers. " she's with me." she flashed yet another smile. " don't worry, she won't do anything harmful."

the two guards looked at each other, making eye contact while conversing silently, before finally granting them access to enter the mansion.

" thank you! " mia exclaimed and the trio began to step inside the house, taking off their shoes as they were doing so.

" well that was harder than expected." minhee let out a scoff. " usually they wouldn't even ask us who we are and just let us enter."

" guess they're making sure the security is tighter." mia shrugged. " kinda annoying honestly."

seunghee looked around and noticed that inside of the mansion was indeed bigger than she expected. it was huge, and the interior designs were classy. indeed she could see how rich this family was; the whole house just screams their wealth.

8TEEN. CHA JUNHO ✔️Where stories live. Discover now