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SEUNGHEE suggested that they should go to myeongdong street—a famous place that is known as one of the shopping heavens in the country. plus, it was the only place nearby their school where they can hang out together without getting caught, so junho immediately agreed to her idea.

" i've never been there before." junho said as they walk together towards their destination, side by side.

the place is just a few blocks away from where they currently are. so walking is a better option rather than taking a cab, which to their opinion is a complete waste money.

" you've never been to myeongdeong street? the place is wonderful! " she exclaimed. " most people find it rather enjoyable spending their times there. they consider it as a shopping paradise."

he then chuckled. " i've heard of it. but then again, i've never been to anywhere." the boy stated. " mother said that places like these are usually crowded and contagious. all those sweat and coughs or sneezes can cause quite trouble."

" but she missed out the fun part." seunghee grinned. " you'll understand once we get there! "

" i guess we already are."

junho couldn't help but gasp in awe on how spectacular the place is. it was larger rather than he had expected. the place was surrounded by big buildings and shops every side and corners of the area, as the roads were crowded with perhaps hundreds to thousands of people.

" told ya."

seunghee immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him along with her as they made their way to the place.

" i heard there's a famous stall selling rice cakes around here somewhere. i've always wanted to try them." she pouted her lips afterwards. " let's go find it! "

the pair started walking together as they wandered all over the place— looking for the food stall that she mentioned before. at the same time, they also manage to check out some of the shops available around the area that had caught their attention.

" hey! i think i found it." the girl cheerfully said as she pointed her index finger towards a small stall located a few steps away from them. " wait here— i'm gonna go and buy some rice cakes for us."

he nodded his head and she walked away, leaving the boy behind to line up for the food.

junho rubbed both of his palms together and heaved out a sigh before placing his hands back inside his pocket. his eyes scanned throughout the whole place and made sure he's not acting too stiff— trying his best not to look as awkward as possible.

" excuse me." he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder.

he peered behind him and saw two girls around his age, giggling at each other. they looked like students, but they weren't wearing the same unifrom as he was. so he's guessing that they were probably students from another school.

8TEEN. CHA JUNHO ✔️Where stories live. Discover now