Chapter 65

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The rest of winter break went by rather quickly. Next thing you know I'm smashing my hand down on my alarm to shut off that annoying piece of shit. What's worse is there's another half year of school left where I have to do that.

I force myself up and rub my eyes ferociously. Why am I so exhausted after having such wonderful sleep through the break? Oh right because school drains you just by the thought of it.

The only good part about going back to school is the teachers and homework am I right? Note my intense use of sarcasm.

No, the only good part is the social part... well to be honest some of the social part. Seeing Bryelle again will be refreshing. Also seeing Harry... even though I spent the entire break with him I still love his company.

I put on a sleeveless tight shirt and a black and white flannel with long sleeves. I put on a pair of high waisted jeans that are slightly loose and much more comfortable than skinny jeans. I brush my hair and leave it because honestly I'm lazy right now. I don't put on make up because who cares. It's been a long break and I'm reluctant to go back to school so they can suffer my wrath.

I really need to calm down.

I just hate remembering how happy I was when break started and now I'm here wishing I was back at the start.

But all good things come to an end.

I eat breakfast as quickly as possible and head out the door. I would drive to school but honestly I want to walk. Call me crazy but sometimes it's nice to get fresh air. Plus school isn't that far away.

I walk slowly because I have time to spare. I kick small pieces of ice across the sidewalk just to keep myself busy. The cold air feels nice against my skin and wakes me up.

I'm not a morning person that's for a fact. When I wake up don't expect a conversation. However... when I wake up with Harry I can talk to him...


Harry has changed my life in a lot of positive ways without me really noticing. I mean I accept my past easier than before, I've become much more open about it and I don't dread it as much. My nightmares have disappeared. I'm so utterly comfortable with him. I'm not nervous around him anymore and he makes me want to be myself. He makes me feel good and confident about myself.

And then at the same time I'm helping him.

Although he is in a gang I don't let that scare me away because he hasn't made the gang define him. In fact it's as if he wasn't even in it if it weren't for reminders every so often.

I'm not crazy when I say we are good with each other. We work together and figure our problems out properly instead of yelling and screaming. Abusive relationships where they always go back to each other isn't healthy and this is nowhere near it. At first when he forced me to do things, when we literally just met, I thought maybe he was that type of person but not at all. He's actually very respectful. Someone just needed to reach out to him.

I snap out of my daze when I hear the crunching of snow from beside me.

"Ah just what I was hoping for."

Jaxon steps out from the trees and falls into stride with me. I start to increase my pace but it doesn't matter because so does Jaxon.

"So... how are things?" He asks as if he's trying to make small talk.

"None of your business." I snap.

"Ouch darling." He says putting a hand over his heart.

"I could make you very happy darling-"

Glass Wallحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن