Chapter 60

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I walk out of the classroom being extremely cautious of my surroundings. A number of people push me as they pass by but I don't pay attention. I'm looking for one face and one face only. The suspense has been eating me up all class.

I see a head of blond hair that can be mistaken for white from a distance. It bounces around as he walks towards me. When he stops in front of me he shoves his hands in his pockets. He nods his head towards the opposite direction and then rocks back and forth on his heels.

"Come on."

I nod my head and follow him as he turns around and leads the way. He doesn't wait for me to catch up but instead allows me to trail behind him. When we reach the door he stops and faces me. I stop in my tracks and look at him curiously. He stares at me intently before shaking his head and pushing the door open. The cold breeze of December hits me hard as soon as we walk out. I squint my eyes from the impact of the wind and wrap my arms around my chest in reaction to having no sweater on. Unfortunately I left my jacket and sweater in my locker but thankfully we stay at the top of the stairs where we are still enclosed by the exterior of the school wall and the roof that slightly comes over us.

"What did you want to talk to me about Jace?"

He finally turns his head towards me after completely ignoring my question. His eyes are full of concern which causes me to tilt my head and furrow my eyebrows.

"Jace?" I question.

I look out towards the field and see someone approaching us. I turn back towards him as he scratches the back of his neck. I now realize we've gone out the exit that rarely anyone passes.

"What do you want?" I ask suddenly getting very impatient.

I adjust the straps of my bag and then take a hesitant step towards him to let the approaching person walk by us into the school. Instead the person stops and leans against the wall right beside Jace. I quickly glance to see what the person is doing. My eyes meet the eyes of the one person I least expected to see on school grounds.


Actually now that I think about it it seems less and less surprising to see him around our school. He's graduated so why the hell does he keep coming back?

"Well hello there cutie." Jaxon says eyeing my reaction carefully.

I clear my throat to allow myself time to calm down. I don't know why but I feel like I have to hide everything about myself when it comes to him.

I don't answer, instead I glare at him. Jaxon adjusts himself against the wall and flashes me a smile that spreads across his face. I glance over at Jace to find him looking down.

"Thank you Kyle." Jaxon says nodding towards Jace.

"It's not Kyle." Jace pipes up.

"Right, not here it isn't." Jaxon says waving him off.

That bastard. He is Kyle. He made up his cousin as an excuse... that lying asshole.

Jace glances at me with wide eyes. I just look at him with disappointment and turn my head back towards Jaxon. I honestly thought Jace would turn out to be a good person but this goes to show you how appearances are deceiving.

"I just wanted to have a chat with you my darling." Jaxon says with venom rolling off of every word. When he talks he has a sharp way of finishing every word making it sound threatening.

"Why would you want to talk to me?" I ask monotonously.

"Well, you're an attractive girl and I don't know why you're wasting your time on Sh-" He snaps his mouth shut and then opens it again. "...on Harry."

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