Chapter 59

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"I was thinking maybe the colour of sky blue to match the ceiling and make it more bright in here. Then on the ceiling we could paint clouds by dabbing white and even put glow in the dark stars." I suggest clasping my hands together in excitement and enthusiasm.

"That's a really great idea."

The walls were previously painted a dark purple giving a more somber look. We've decided to paint the walls a sky blue to brighten the mood. The ceiling was already painted around the same colour we're going to paint the walls.

"We have all this extra paint." Harry states looking around the room pointing at the paints he has already opened.

I quietly walk forward and dab my paintbrush in the dark blue and flick my wrist at his back. He turns around and I think he's going to complain but he doesn't.

"I guess I can pour the ones in the tray back in the can."

I dab my brush in the red and flick my wrist at his back. I do this several times with different coloured paints without him noticing. In between each paint I wipe off the excess on the back of my shirt so the colours won't mix. I can't help but laugh so I smack my hand against my mouth and make a weird sound. He turns around and watches me skeptically as I try to compose myself. I smoothly bring my hands behind my back to hide the fact that the paint brush has been dipped in all the paints. He turns back around and bends over to pick up the next tray. I dip my brush back in the paint and flick it at him once again. This time I wasn't so cautious so a tiny speck of paint splatters on his neck just beneath his hairline. He goes rigid and slowly brings his hand to the back of his neck. His fingers smudge the paint causing the splatter to grow. He brings his hand back and stares down at it. I see his jaw clench from the side and I take a step back instinctively.

"Did you just..." He trails off.

He brings his hands on opposite sides of his body to grip the hem of his shirt. He swiftly pulls it up and over his head for him to analyze the back of the shirt. When he looks at it he notices all the different coloured paint splatters.

"Have you been doing that this whole time?" He asks slowly.

When I don't answer he spins on his heels and stares me down.

"Yes." I manage to squeak out.

I stare at his bare chest covered in tattoos. His toned abs and arms are very visible and hard to look away from.

He grunts and throws the shirt at me. It goes directly on my face but luckily the clean side lands on me. I laugh and pull it away throwing it to the floor. I don't need to worry since there's plastic tarps covering the floor.

I dip one of the rollers in the sky blue and begin to paint the walls. I pay close attention to the direction my roller is going and how close I get to the edges. Harry has put blue tape around the edges so we don't paint over it. After a few minutes I still don't hear Harry. I turn around to find him nowhere in the room. He must've went to wash up or something.

When I continue painting I feel a sudden smudge of paint on both of my cheeks. I immediately drop the roller and step sideways pushing him away from my face.

"Harry!" I yell out in surprise.

He looks at me with a goofy grin on his face and both of us break out laughing.

When we finally concentrate, we paint the walls in no time. Each of us covered a certain distance to paint and we were both very efficient. I must say we're a great team.

As Harry is touching up the walls, I grab a paint brush and dip it in some yellow. I slowly walk towards him making the least noise possible. I quickly paint a line from his shoulder all the way down to the beginning of his shorts. Harry doesn't turn around. He reaches his hand backwards and grabs my wrist. In fact he grabs the wrong wrist. I quickly start painting his whole back in yellow and then whip my arm away to take a few steps back. He spins around with wide eyes.

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