Chapter 53

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Decision-making can be regarded as the cognitive process resulting in the selection of a belief or a course of action among several alternative possibilities. Every decision-making process produces a final choice. Decision making is one of the central activities of management. Making a decision implies that there are alternative choices to be considered, and in such a case we want not only to identify as many of these alternatives as possible but to choose the one that has the highest probability of success or effectiveness and best fits with our goals, desires, lifestyle, values, and so on.

That being said... should I go to his house or not?

Harry hasn't shown up to school like he said he would. It's been two days since the last time I've been to his house and I'm sincerely concerned. Last time I checked there was nothing wrong with him. Also, last time I went he was very persistent on trying to get me to leave.

I've collected the rest of the papers he needs for next week which would be extremely useful and I'm not sure if I should go give it to him. How much longer is he going to be gone?

I run up to my room and grab my phone. I guess I'll just text him so I don't look desperate.

I open my phone and click on his contact.

To: Harry <3

I guess I never changed his name from when he entered it himself.

Hey, I've got the rest of the papers for you. Do you want me to drop it off?

I sit there with my phone in my hands expectantly. I hear the ticking of my clock that drives on second after second. I hear my breathing in a slow rhythm that matches with the rise and fall of my chest. I blink quite often letting my room come in and out of focus. As time goes on I start to lose hope.

Is he doing something? Is his phone turned off?

I'm overreacting.

I look around my room and decide to clean it just to pass the time. I'm so desperate for a distraction that I start organizing my clothes differently and rearrange the books in my bookshelf. I reorder some of the things on my desk and bring my laundry basket in the basement so I can wash my clothes. By the time I come back upstairs Harry still hasn't replied.

I grab my phone and stare at it as if I could possibly make him answer by sending him mental signals. When he doesn't answer I get frustrated and throw my phone. It hits my bed and falls to the floor. I quickly scramble over my bed and pick it up to check to see if I broke it. Once I've inspected it and everything is alright, I decide to open the phone and click on Harry's icon.

I call him as I sit on my bed tapping my foot nervously.

Why won't he answer?

The phone continues ringing and every second that passes by I fidget even more. I start to pace the space in my room.

Is he avoiding me?

"Come on come on" I mutter as it gets to the last few rings.

The phone goes to voicemail with a beep and I quickly hang up. I sigh frustrated and pinch the bridge of my nose.

Am I being too rash? What if something is seriously wrong and I just didn't notice? What if he went out just like my brother did and got hurt and is lying somewhere right this second? What if I'm totally freaking out for nothing.

I grab my coat and keys and run to my car. When I open the door I realize I was in such a rush to get to Harry I forgot his homework. I run back inside and grab the papers off my desk before sprinting back to my car. I nearly hit my head as I duck to get in. I pull out quickly and head towards his house.

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