Chapter 52

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After Harry was able to sit up, I helped him stand. We walked around the house slowly at first so he could get the feel for it. Once he was okay we started jogging and then sprinting.

He improved very quickly. He was able to stretch a little. Of course he was sore but that's normal.

After a little more lounging around my house, he decided to drive himself home. I would've offered to drive because of his state but I would've had no way to get back home because I have no car.

I really need to get on that.

Before he left he seemed tense. I tried finding something about him that showed me he had been emotionally stricken by the sudden encounter but nothing about him had been off. He was his normal self just... tense because I'm assuming he was sore.

Not only does it scare me that he drove home while he was hurting, it also scared me that he wasn't all uptight that some random person attacked him.

And I do not believe for a second at this point that they encountered each other accidentally. I think the guy was looking for Harry.

Now I sit at the kitchen table eating a bowl of ice cream when my parents walk in. I perk up immediately and go to greet them at the door.

They look extremely exhausted and I totally understand.

One thing about my parents is that they are non-stop workers. They work so hard and so well together, they're like a power couple. Although I don't see them as much as I want to, I know they work so hard to support the family. They always have and always will. I might get a little upset once in a while that I can't see them but I know in my heart that they're doing it for us.

"Mum?" I ask gently. She's leaning against the counter rubbing her head and I feel really bad for bringing up this subject at the moment but I won't ever get the chance again if I don't do it now.

"Yes sweetie?" She asks turning to me with a smile and blinking her eyes rapidly.

"Do you think um... I could get a car? I mean I've saved up for this and I have my license and it doesn't have to be the biggest car and I don't even care if it's used as long as it works and it'd be easier to get myself everywhere because well I feel like I'm overusing my favours from Bryelle and it would be less stress for me and-"

"Yes Jules." She cuts me off by grabbing my face in her hands and squishing it so I can't talk. My lips immediately pucker up like I'm some sort of fish.

"I know you've been waiting a while for a car and I'm sorry we couldn't get it sooner."

"It's honestly okay I didn't mind."

My mum pulls me in for a hug rather forcefully. At first I'm stunned and then I slowly wrap my arms around her.

"Ugh my baby girl getting a car." She says while pulling back to look at my face.

"And the funniest thing Juliette..."

"What mum?" I ask skeptically.

I know that look. What did she do now?

"The reason why we're later than usual is that we went to look at cars for you."

"You didn't?!" I ask in disbelief and smiling from ear to ear.

"Ya a few of my colleagues were talking and they were saying how their daughters and sons already have a car. So dad and I felt really bad. We looked at a couple that I know you would like so if you want we could go tomorrow and pick it out." she says smiling at me.

"I will definitely take you up on that offer." I answer smiling and quickly kissing her on the cheek.

I start to walk away and then I immediately stop and turn around.

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