Chapter 47

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"No Jace that's not what it's asking you to do."

"Yes it is."

"Clearly not you have to jump, do a plank and then squat." I argue.

"No you have to push-up, jump then squat."

"Jace it's supposed to be like a burpie but instead of just jumping back up and going back to do a push up you do a plank, jump up and then squat."

He reads over the instructions again.


Ya that's fucking right.

I've been partnered up with Jace lately in gym. It's like working with a freaking rock because he has no brain and when I argue he's so hard headed.

He's constantly talking to me in an overly friendly manner and it's getting on my nerves. Harry gives him death glares all the time. It's weird to see him do that when he has someone as beautiful as Lacey as his partner. Nonetheless he continues looking over.

Call me a bitch but... it kind of reassures me that maybe he does like me more than just a fling.

I try and take my mind off of the train wreck that is Jace by thinking about my first soccer practice with Richmont today. They accepted me on the team in the bat of an eye. I'm a little nervous but I know it'll be alright after I get used to it.

Bryelle literally squealed with joy when I told her I would join the team. To piss her off I told her that I'd have to wear an undershirt so the uniform wouldn't burn my skin.

"Your turn."

I start by jumping and continuing on from there. Jace stares at me intently and makes it obvious he's doing it on purpose.

"If you gawk any longer I'll have to torch your eyes." I snap rudely as I squat. He winks at me in return and I think I may have thrown up in my mouth.

"Pig." I huff under my breath.

Although Jace can be a complete ass and pervert at times, I can't disregard the fact that he is also sweet. Sometimes I realize I'm getting annoyed with him and then force myself to relax.

"Jace and Harry switch!" The teacher yells from across the room.

"What? why?!" Jace yells across the gym.

"Lacey needs help." The teacher answers.

"And Harry was doing just fine!"

"I said switch."

Harry walks towards me with a smug grin. He collides with Jace as they cross paths and Harry's evil grin seems to widen. I almost start to laugh at the sight but thankfully I'm about to go down into a plank were he can't see my face. I jump up and squat.

"Nice position." Harry says winking.

If it were Jace I would probably have a rude come back but something prevents me from reacting to Harry.

Double standard hypocrite.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and look up at Harry.

"I guess slacking has its perks." Harry says answering my unsaid questions.

When the drills are finished for gym class, I gather up the equipment and put it in the locker. Everyone else quickly leaves which makes me the last one in the gym. I huff and start walking out until I'm slammed against the wall.

"When you walk out of this gym... be prepared to fight someone off you understand? Don't give up. And scream for Harry."

I look up at the person and notice Zayn holding me tightly.

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