Chapter 49

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The first thing I do when I get home is finish my work. I want to be able to enjoy tonight without having the constant worry of my unfinished homework. I do it as quickly as possible and once I finish I flop on my bed.

I sit there looking at the ceiling when the sudden reminder of Jace pops into my head. I grab my laptop from my bed side table and log into Facebook. I type in 'Kyle Wood' in Justin's friends but nothing comes up.

I get up and grab the box that's in my closet full of Justin's possessions. I pull out an old yearbook and look for a Kyle Wood but no one by that name is there.

After looking through the book five times, I give up and slam the book shut. I decide I might as well start getting ready for when Harry takes me out tonight.

I decide to put a tight long black sleeved shirt with high waisted jeans. I pull out some knee high boots and slide a black bandana in my hair.

I stare at myself in the mirror for a while. I groan and walk away repeating to myself: good enough it's just Harry.

I sit on the couch and start watching tv. Before I know it my eyes are slowly shutting. They're heavy and I just want to-

I hear a loud knock at the door and bolt up straight. I get up and open the door for Harry.

Harry wears brown velvet boots and black jeans. He has a navy blue tank top on with a denim shirt that's ripped at the sleeves. The sleeves are short showing his well defined muscles even when he doesn't flex. His hair is pushed back away from his forehead and is slightly disheveled.

I stand there staring at him. I was going to say hi but my words got stuck in my throat so instead of looking like a fool, I quickly shut my mouth.

He stands there staring at me. When I finally meet his eyes he smirks. He looks me up and down and I feel my cheeks burning up. I don't normally get checked out by a guy in such an obvious manner. He looks back up at my face and bites his lip unintentionally.

I can't take it anymore. I turn on my heels and grab my keys off the counter. I put on my boots and stand up straight to find Harry openly staring.

"Christ." He mutters under his breath before walking back to his car.

I shut the door and lock it before running after him.

Right when I think he's going to walk to the drivers seat, he spins around grabs my waist and pins me against the hood of the car.

I stare at him with wide eyes as he looks down not meeting my gaze. He slowly looks up from under his eyelashes and it takes all the strength in me not to fall to his feet like jelly.

"What did Jace want?"

This question stuns me and it takes me a while to situate what he's talking about.

"He just asked me a question." I answer skeptically.

"About what?"

"Well um..." I'm not sure why but I feel like Harry will freak out if I tell him the truth. "Just uh- well Justin."

Harry visibly stiffens and looks at me with a cold stare.

"Juliette stay away from him."

I shut my eyes and tighten them to prevent myself from yelling at him for being so damn secretive.


He stands there confused.


"Okay." I answer. I seriously don't have the strength to argue right now. I just want to have a good night.

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