Chapter 33

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I pour the spaghetti into the boiling water. The stove is hot and there's a bit of steam so I put the fan on.

Harry sits on the counter watching me as I cook.

"Why didn't you go to the party?" I ask Harry curiously. He shrugs.

"Because...I mean why did you come to my house? How did you know I was home?" I try again.

"I just knew." He says smirking. I know that's not the real answer but for some reason he won't tell me. I lean against the wall and give him a disapproving look.

"Don't lie to me." I say mimicking his words.

"Does it really matter?" He asks with an annoyed tone.

"Oh come on you're the one who somehow knew." I say laughing at his tone. He stays silent looking at me with a serious face. He squints his eyes making them look darker.

"Just tell me." I say.

"Juliette you were carrying a big bag home. I saw you walking through the parking lot after school." He says. He hesitates on a few words and I know he must be lying.

"So what if I was carrying a bag? I could've just brought a lot of things home and then went to the party?" I challenge not believing him. He huffs and gets off the counter walking out of the room. I follow close behind.

"Harry." I call after him. "Harry come on what's wrong? Did I offend you? If I did... I don't understand why." I say reaching for his arm. I turn him around and notice his face. I immediately let go.

"Harry..." I say trailing off.

"It doesn't matter." He says with a slow and deep voice.

"I came to get you and stayed with you when you had trouble. I came just as you were having a mental breakdown and now you're getting angry at me." He says through gritted teeth. His mood changed in the matter of seconds.

"Harry I don't understand I just-"

"I know you don't understand." He growls at me. I take a step back a little frightened.

He looks like a monster. His face is darkened because he's turned away from the light. His eyes seem to be protected with an exterior black blind. His eyes are those of a villain in a horror movie. He's hunched forward slightly as his arms are held at his sides. His fists are clenched as his chest rises and falls in a fast rhythm.

I obviously said something but I don't understand what.

"Harry I'm thankful that you came and helped me... but all I did was ask how you knew I was home and why you came to get to me." I state tentatively.

His attitude doesn't change. He just stands straight and looms over me.


I turn around too afraid to do anything else. I walk back to the kitchen and grab the ladle stirring the spaghetti.

Harry follows me back to the kitchen but stands in the doorway.

"Did you know that if you throw the spaghetti on the wall and it sticks that means it's ready?" I ask trying to change the subject. He stares at me with an unamused look.

I grab a piece of spaghetti and twirl it like a whip in my hand. I throw it against the wall and it sticks. I start laughing and take the piece off.

"That's wasting." He says with a monotone voice.

I pick up another spaghetti and twirl it on my finger. I glance at Harry before spinning around and throwing it at him. The spaghetti lands directly on his face and it slowly slips down leaving residue behind.

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