Thirty-Seventh Lie: Sister's Promise

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Tsuyu barged into the room that she was inside.


"Not dead."

Midoriya looked towards Tsuyu, shocked.

"Not- dead?"

Tsuyu walked up to Satsuki and examined all of the wires and tubes attached to her.

"So, this is where they put her."

"Tsu-chan!! What's going on?!"

She grabbed one of the wires and snapped it off, causing lights to flicker in the corridors and the room that they were currently inside.

"What are you doing!?!?"

"Saving my sister's life."

He didn't know what was going on. One time she said that she suggested a quirk with the so-called enemy. Now, she's removing wires that were attached to her sister's body, to save her. Midoriya was really confused. 

'I have no idea...'

When all of the wires and tubes were gone, the beeping from the machine stopped ticking; Tsuyu sighed.

'It's like the complete opposite of a real EKG...I wonder if it's modified.'



She turned around to face him.

"I need to find Yunokaru."

"What?! Why?"

Tsuyu scratched her neck.

"We don't have much time left."

"Left for what?"

She looked at her sister.

"You'll figure it out soon. And also..."

"Stay with my sister."

She rushed out the door.


But she didn't turn back.


"Oh wow. I didn't think that you would come here. Asui."

"I didn't think you would wait for me here."

Yunokaru and Tsuyu were both standing on the rooftop of Hosu General Hospital. The wind was blowing rather rapidly, causing nature debris to collide into them.

"You don't wait for people in this world, Yunokaru. Taking turns in a fight with me doesn't exist."

"But aren't you happy I did?"

"It's a mistake that you were willing to make."

He smiled.

"So this is how it all ends huh. For me to stop a mass destruction, you decided to help me, in order to kill me right after?"

"Dr. Ujiko was the one who wanted me first."

"Was that important?"

She scoffed.

"It doesn't matter. But remember, I didn't do this for you, or myself. I did it for everyone else."

Yunokaru was getting rather impatient because of a schedule he planned beforehand.

"Don't you think this is going a bit too fast? I mean..."

"What are you talking about?"

She smirked.

"I knew this was going to happen, after all."

Yunokaru gritted his teeth.

"You don't know how it's going to end."

She smiled defeatedly.

"Unfortunately, I do."

Tsuyu scratched her neck.

"But I'm still going to try anyway."

The wind started to blow faster.

"I will not back down."

Yunokaru sighed.


"I won't back down either."


"Damn! Where is she?!"

Midoriya apparently couldn't find out where Tsuyu was going because of her remarks to protect her sister. And even if Midoriya did chase her, he would probably be pushed away, even if he had said that he would protect her, no matter what happens.

'Where did she go?'

Leaving Tsuyu's sister alone wasn't really a good choice, despite the things that could happen in hospital, so he decided to pick her up and carry her out of the hospital.

'What did she mean by that?'

He recalled her previous statement from before.

'We don't have much time left.'

He wavered.

'Time for what? Does it mean...'

He remembered that she was talking about Yunokaru.

'She's going to find him? What will happen if she does?'

Midoriya held Satsuki tightly.

'Will she fight him, all by herself?'

Midoriya then suddenly found Samidare sitting down on a bench.

'HUH????? WHy is he there?!'

Midoriya rushed over to him with Satsuki in his arms.

"Mr. Midoriya?"

'What's with the sudden formality? Anyway, no time for that.'

"Is that-"

Midoriya nodded.

"Yes, this is your sister. Tsu-chan is just-"


"Up there."

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