Thirty-Second Lie: An Ordinary Fairytale

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--Once there was a girl that loved to fight.

--And also loved the dance in the rain.

--But then something flew past her sight.

--Oh no!' she thought. 'Am I going insane?'

"Do all kiddy books have to start with 'once' or whatever?" Bakugo asked as she finished the second page.

"I never thought you cared about picture books," Kaminari responded.

"I never said-"

Sero sighed.

"Just continue on..."

Midoriya looked to the side.

'Those were the exact same words...'

Tsuyu nodded slightly.

--She decided to go back inside

--So she wouldn't have to be so late

--But she then felt something from behind

--But she went inside anyway with her current state

--When she got out of school without a trace

--She decided to take a shortcut home

--But when she got to that special place

--She found person standing there alone

"Who's the author of this book?" Bakugo said blatantly.

--There is none...

"Oh really?"

Completely annoyed by Bakugo's interruptions, Sero decided to confine him in a buckload of tape, covering his mouth as well. Kaminari was holding him down; and Tsuyu was getting quite uncomfortable.

"Please continue."

--Ah yes...

She read on.

--Confused by the man, she decided to plan

--Walking to the shortcut without hesitation

--But when she passed by the man

--He took her by the hand without contemplation

--Struggling to escape, she wanted to yell

--But instead, was held back by someone

--The man then let her go, leaving as well

--The girl turned around to see who was the one

--A figure then stood in front then

--And she stepped back once caught in the mud

--She tried to step back again and again

--The figure then caused her ears to flood

-- "Do you know who you are?"

-- "Do you know what you will become?"

-- "Stop pretending to be someone so far."

-- "Never forget where you're from."

-- "You never make choices."

-- "You never tell lies."

-- "But you still do them, you listen to those voices?"

-- "That defines who you are inside."

--In the heavy rain, the night was still

--The girl in green, was standing alone

-- 'Nothing I can do' her tears started to fill

--She could only be on her own

'That seems to be the end of it,' Midoriya thought in his head.

But just about he was going to leave, he heard the sound of Tsuyu flipping another page.


--But just as she was about to go,

--She heard a voice not to far away

-- "Please don't leave," the voice said slow

--When she recognized the voice, she was surprised in every way.

Silence then occurred when she finished the last sentence. Bakugo ripped out of Sero's tape at the moment she finished.

"That's it?"

Tsuyu looked to the side.

--about that...

She showed them the torn page of the book.

"What the..."

"Why is the last page torn out?"

"Who would do such a thing?"

Midoriya scratched his head.

'Was that the reason why?'

Tsuyu looked at the torn part again. Inspecting a closer look, she realized that it was rather a clean rip.

"Can I look at it, Tsu-chan?" Midoriya asked hesitantly.

Tsuyu nodded as she gave him the book.

-- 'he's rather nice...'

Tsuyu thought in her head.

-- 'but why was he upset last afternoon?'

She sighed.

-- 'maybe because of me again...'

As the 4 were playing 'reverse hot potato' with the book, Tsuyu decided to stay in her spot. It was rather unnatural for her but everyone seemed quite nice. Maybe not for that 'other' person but they seemed quite alright. A few moments later, the lobby doorbell rang. Tsuyu turned around at the door and the 4 swarming around. They seemed to pay no attention to it. Tsuyu sighed and stood up from the couch. Walking over to the door, she had this uncomfortable feeling churning inside her. When she opened the door, she saw a man wearing a lab coat. Tsuyu had a strange vibe from this man but she couldn't quite place her finger on it.

-- may I help you...?

"You're Tsuyu Asui, right?"

She nodded. The man smiled.

I'm Doctor Yunokaru, at your service.

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