Seventeenth Lie

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As Midoriya opened the door, he saw that no one was inside the room. His eyesight was getting quite fuzzy but he could still see clearly. He entered the room and looked at his surroundings.

"That's odd."

He checked his phone and the time was 10:10.

"I wonder..."

Midoriya walked around the room and located himself right in front of a peculiar looking door. It was half open, light peeking out of the creases. He knew that he shouldn't be looking at odd areas for one but curiosity told him to. He squinted his eyes as he looked through the crease in the hole and noticed a bunch of papers scattered across the floor. Just then, a voice called him.


He immediately turned around and saw Tsuyu carrying some files to Dr. Ganma's desk. He blinked once to realize something odd.

'What? Why didn't I see her before?' he thought.

Tsuyu placed the files on Dr. Ganma's desk and sat down on the couch.

"It was a fright for you wasn't it?"

"The blackout?"

"Yes. Kero."

Tsuyu's voice sounded a little parched as she spoke. This gave Midoriya a sudden thought.

'Was she the one who screamed? When the blackout occurred?'

As he was about to ask her, Dr. Ganma walked into the room with files in his hands.

"Ah! Midoriya is back here!"

Tsuyu stood up and checked the time.

"It's 10:12 so I think my work here is done..." she sighed.

"What work did you do?" Midoriya asked randomly.

Tsuyu scratched her head.

"The usual. Carrying files and attending important patients..." she nervously said.

Dr. Ganma then clapped his hands.

"Alright! You can leave here since your shift is over!"

Tsuyu nodded and grabbed her bag. Midoriya glanced over at Dr. Ganma who looked rather odd. He waved goodbye as they both exited the door. When they were walking about, Midoriya decided to ask Tsuyu a question.

"The key scanners on the door... can they be removed?"

Tsuyu flinched at his question.

"I-It depends. Kero."

"It depends?"

Tsuyu opened the door to the stairway.

"There are only a few people that can remove it. But if you spend a while in the hospital, you might find a way to remove the key scanner."

"I see."

Midoriya scratched his head while they walked down the stairs.

"Do these blackouts happen often?"

He wanted to ask Tsuyu the same question as Dr. Beru to see if their responses were similar in a way.

"They do. It was just that today was a little different. Someone seemed to be following the rules quite well."

Midoriya looked at Tsuyu. The answer Tsuyu gave was quite similar to Dr. Beru's but...

'Why does she look....guilty?'

As they reached the lobby, Tsuyu told Midoriya that she needed to sign herself and Midoriya out of the hospital because of the rule the hospital gave. Midoriya waited in the lobby and Tsuyu walked over the office center. As she tapped away on the sign-out platform, her hands were quite shaky.

"When are you going to realize it, Midoriya-chan..."

The sound of rattling kept banging inside her head.

Lie to meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora