Thirty-Third Lie: I'm A Monster?

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Just saying the name gave Tsuyu the creeps. She didn't know why she had this feeling around him, nor want to talk to her in this situation.

-- 'who is this guy...'

He then started to talk about a job offer at Hosu General Hospital. Tsuyu clearly didn't know what that place was but listened anyway.

-- 'please leave...'

"Blah blah blah- and would you like to come with me?"

-- oh...?

Tsuyu looked to the side and back at Yunokaru. She was rather in an uncomfortable situation. Just as she was about to respond. Tsuyu felt a strong power from behind her. Confused by what she's feeling, she turned around to see what it was.

-- ....!

Behind her, she saw Bakugo and Midoriya standing right behind her. They both looked like they had a murderous intention to the man standing in front of her. She then turned back at Yunokaru, who looks the same as ever.

-- umm....

"Why are you here?" Midoriya asked in a menacing tone. It was the angriest he sounded yet.

Yunokaru sighed.

"I'm here for Tsuyu Asui, can't you see?"
He looked at her.

"She needs to go back to where she belongs."

Right after those words, Bakugo dashed up to Yunokaru, blasting an explosion in the process with no hesitation. The explosion shook the ground which caused some antiques to fall in the Heights Alliance, but Bakugo couldn't care less.


-- ....?

"Please step back."

Midoriya dashed his way to Yunokaru who was just standing there while Bakugo was setting explosions in the air. Tsuyu was quite confused on what was going on with Bakugo but he looked quite serious.

-- does he think Yunokaru's in the air?

After a few seconds, Midoriya was now punching the air as well? Midoriya and Bakugo both looked determined in punching something that wasn't there. What caused them to do that? Tsuyu stared at Yunokaru, who looked at her also. He walked up to her with a smile on his face.

"You seem to not remember me."

She looked to the side.

--I don't remember anything...

"Is that so..."

He patted her shoulder, and she flinched.

"Would you like to know who you are?"


Just then, Mr. Aizawa showed up right behind her. He looked at Yunokaru in the eyes.

"What business do you have here?"

"Business? I'm here to talk to Tsuyu Asui."

He then looked at Midoriya and Bakugo landing hits in the air.

"I'm afraid that's not possible."

Yunokaru sighed.


He looked at her emotionless eyes.

"Can I tell her who she is?"


Almost immediately, Yunokaru placed his hand on her heart, and a white flash emitted from it. Her whole body started to twitch from it and Mr. Aizawa attempted to take her away. But the light was too bright for them to see that Mr. Aizawa had to step back. As Yunokaru took his hand away, Tsuyu clenched onto her chest as pain started to emerge from it. Her mind started to show random images she couldn't quite place. Falling to the ground and attempting to breathe properly, Yunokaru was still hovering over her like he had just accomplished his goal. As she looked up at him, still squirming with pain, she had recognized the face right in front of him. Part of her in mind image collection started to create a collage, a film set, all featuring this person in front of her.

"Tsuyu Asui."

She clenched her shirt.

"You are a real monster."

And after Yunokaru said those words, Tsuyu's mind went blank. She started to remember simple things, then more intermediate things, and then, the ones that were difficult to accept. Everything was happening way too fast that she couldn't process much but she knew that this person in front of her made her remember everything.

--who are you?

"Who am I?"

He laughed.

"Why don't you figure that out yourself?"

Yunokaru stepped back and snapped his fingers which made him instantly disappear. Bakugo and Midoriya seemed to stop fighting the air, and Tsuyu was still on the ground. As Mr. Aizawa saw that Yunokaru was gone, he immediately ran over to Tsuyu to help her up.

"Asui! Are you okay?!"

She stood up. And blinked once. Tsuyu stared at Mr. Aizawa until asking the only thing she thought of in her mind.

"I'm a Monster?"

Lie to meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora