Thirty-Sixth Lie: One's Thoughts

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Thoughts were going about Midoriya's mind.

'I need everything!! Anything you know?! Need you to stop hurting yourself...'


But she walked away anyway, like she was impatient or she needed to do something quickly.

"Wait! Tsu-chan!"

He took a hold of her hand, causing her to stop in place.

"What do you need-Midor-riya-chan."

'Her voice, it's becoming human like. She doesn't ribbit often either.'

She turned to face him.

"Where, are you going?!"

She looked to the side.

"Do you need to know that?"

"Of course I do!!!"

Tsuyu attempted to shake off his hand but it gripped her quite tightly.

"It's not like you care anyway..." she murmured.

Midoriya then grasped both of her hands, which shocked Tsuyu.

"I do care!!!"

Tsuyu looked at Midoriya as if he had seen a ghost.


He started to stammer randomly.

"I-I Know!! You think I'm probably being weird right now!!!"

'What are you doing Midoriya? You're supposed to be serious!'

He looked at her face.

'But how am I supposed to be serious in front of a face like that?!??!?!'

Tsuyu was being rather patient at the moment. She did have a serious deal before but now, it was just her and Midoriya. It made her quite relieved. Midoriya breathed in and out.

"Let me come with you."


"Because I'm worried about you!"

It didn't matter to Midoriya that he had to repeat it again. He could repeat it for a lifetime so that Tsuyu would understand his true intentions.


Her silence made him worry a big ton.

"What... will you intend to do?"

Midoriya looked her in the eyes.

'What will I do? I just want to keep her safe. From anything. Everything. Even that person...'

He scratched his head.

"What is there to offer?"


'I pulled strings again!!!! Why did I say that?!??!?!'

Midoriya waved his hands in front of him.

"I-I mean... what--what can I do?!?"

'She's probably not going to respond!!!!'

She sighed, which caught Midoriya's attention immediately.

"If I tell you to leave- you have to leave."

Midoriya did hear what she had said but it seemed quite odd.


'Like hell I'm going to leave her if she's in danger.'

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