Thirtieth Lie: Please Don't Cry

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 "She doesn't remember anything?"

Midoriya doubted it when Mr. Aizawa had just said it. But considering what happened at the moment, it might have been just the case. Tsuyu looked at them both with her emotionless eyes while wavering about. Midoriya covered his mouth.

"How's that-"

Midoriya then remembered something that Tsuyu said before.

"I am a part-Nomu."

"You still are the same person and still have your sane mind. But you are also a nomu."

"Could it be that..."

'She's turning into a Nomu?'

Midoriya's eyes started to well up.

'That can't happen. That shouldn't happen. Will it happen? No! I won't allow it to happen!"

Bombarded with negative thoughts in his brain, Midoriya rushed out of the lobby, stomping away loudly. Mr. Aizawa sighed; and Tsuyu looked at him stomping away from afar. She glanced at the ground, and then at Mr. Aizawa.

--does he hate me...?

Mr. Aizawa was shocked by her question but answered accordingly.

"No, he's not. He's probably upset about something."


She took her glass of water and drank it slowly until it was all gone.

--is he upset because of me...?

Mr. Aizawa thought lying wouldn't really help Tsuyu's situation at the moment so he said something else.


--I see...

Mr. Aizawa was quite surprised by Tsuyu's communication skill at that moment. Was it because of Midoriya? Either way, it would've been helpful anyway. Just then, a mob of Class 1-A students(excluding Midoriya) walked inside the lobby knowingly to see Tsuyu. Mr. Aizawa excused himself and left the room right away. Tsuyu stared at the mob of Class 1-A, who looked straight at her.


"Someone should go talk to her."

"But will she want to?"

Just then, Ochako decided to sit on the couch opposite from Tsuyu. She stared at her lifeless until Ochako decided to say something.

"Do you remember me?"

It was an odd question to ask. Everyone else was clearly dumbfounded but Tsuyu remained in her infamous poker face.

--you cried...

"I did cry..."

And Ochako was about to. Iida and Yaoyorozu sat next to her; comforting her in the process. Tsuyu glanced on the floor.

--is it because of me...?

Ochako looked up.

"That's not it! I-"

--Don't Lie...

Everyone was surprised by Tsuyu's sudden remark. It was like her attitude was the same, but still quite lifeless.

--Is everyone upset because of me...?

Lying in the situation clearly didn't make it better. Ochako decided to nod slightly, partially agreeing that it may have been true. Tsuyu glanced at the mob behind them. In her eyes, they all looked like they were scared of something. But not particularly her.

--is everyone hiding something...?

They flinched. Ochako looked as if she was going to cry; again. At this point, even the smallest things Tsuyu would say would've impacted them the most.

"C-Can you say my name, please?" Ochako asked sadly.

Tsuyu looked blankly on the floor and then back at her.

--I think it was Uraraka-san...?

Ochako clenched onto her shirt as Tsuyu responded. She was right, but not in the way Ochako wanted it.

--are you upset again...?

Ochako shook her head as she wiped her 'fake' tears.

"I'm not! I'm just-"

Tsuyu wavered.

Please don't cry

Ochako looked up at her.


--even if I don't know you...

Tsuyu looked up at her.

Please don't cry

Everyone was on the verge of tears at the rare moment(even Bakugo?). The fact that she forgot who they were but considerably cared for them was genuinely emotional. And even if it was their second time seeing her, every moment counted anyway.


Tsuyu looked at her.

"C-Can I hug you?"

--I don't really mind...

At the instant she said it, Ochako immediately got out of her seat and wrapped Tsuyu in her arms. She then started to cry even when Tsuyu said not to. At the sound of Ochako weeping, everyone else started to huddle over to them. As unusual as it got to Tsuyu, she had this odd feeling in her heart she couldn't quite figure out.

They were all hiding something important, something that had to do with her

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