Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Kirishima POV:

Bakugou got permission from my mom to take me wherever he was taking me, which surprised me.

"Do you have any big backpacks?" Bakugou asked.

"Um... depends on how big you mean." I pointed to the closet under the stairs.

Bakugou rummaged through the stacks of stuff in the closet and emerged with two giant camping backpacks.

"We going camping?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Nope." Bakugou went into the kitchen and started filling the bags with water bottles and snacks.

"It's fine if I bring this stuff, right?" He looked over his shoulder at me.

"Yeah..." I said. I was really curious as to what he was doing.

"Take this." Bakugou tossed one of the bags at me and I caught it.

"This is so heavy! What'd you get from that closet?" I started to look in it, but Bakugou lifted my chin and kissed me gently.

"Don't peek." He said softly.

I smiled at him through my lashes. "Mmm okay then."

We kissed again, and then Bakugou slung the other backpack over his shoulders. "Out we go."

"You're leading the way I assume?" I asked as Bakugou started down the road and I jogged behind him.

"Noooo, you're going first even though you have no idea where we're going." Bakugou said, his voice full of sarcasm.

I laughed. "Just trying to talk to ya bro."

Bakugou grunted.

"You okay?" I caught up to him and cocked my head in confusion.

"Yeah. Why?" He looked at me, his eyes reflecting all of the beautiful shades of red in the sunset.

"You seem out of it, I don't know." I shrugged and raised my head to watch a flock of birds explode from a patch of forest.

"We've got a lot of walking to do, Shitty Hair." Bakugou smiled.

"Any time I can spend with you I'm happy for." I grinned back.

-/time skip, theyre almost there 🥺/-

"Uggggg are we almost there?" I groaned and rubbed my sore legs.

"Almost. Close your eyes." Bakugou took my hand.

I closed my eyes and let him guide me.

I was led over sand and gravel, through thick grass and around tree branches.

"Why did I need to close my eyes?" I sighed.

"Cause I have a surprise for you. How many times do I have to say it?" Bakugou's words were annoyed but his tone was as strangely soft as it had been most of the night.

"Mkay, now be careful..." He pulled me left and I followed slowly.

The sun had set a while ago, so no light made its way through my eyelids.

"Sit." Bakugou said.

I sat down with my eyes closed, feeling around with my hands. Cold stone met my fingertips.

Bakugou gently pulled the backpack off of my back and sat it down on the ground next to me.

"Let me set something up, and then you can open your eyes." He squeezed my hand. I heard him rummage through a backpack and pull out whatever he had stored in there from my closet.

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