Chapter Nineteen

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Bakugou POV:

I hadn't gotten anything to eat or drink. I hadn't gotten a break from Dabi's hidden burns. What I had gotten was information on why I was here.

"I'll ask one more time." Shigaraki poured himself a drink. "Will you join us, Katsuki Bakugou?"

These dickbrains wanted me to join the League of Vilains.

I smiled mockingly. "You're obviously dreaming. If you're gonna talk in your sleep, you should just lay down and die."

The hand bastard chuckled and pointed to the TV, where U.A. was getting ridiculed in front of the whole of Japan. "Isn't it just... ridiculous how the heroes are getting criticized? The way they were dealing things was just a little off the mark, wasn't it?"

Dabi chuckled. "Modern-day heroes are just so uptight, aren't they, Bakugou?"

My lip curled and I sneered at every one of them.

"Once heroes receive compensation to protect people, they aren't heroes anymore. That is Stain's teaching." Spinner, a reptilian-looking villain, said. He glared at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Many people have wrecked their lives to gain the title Hero, but what really is a hero? Is this society truly just?" Shigarake leaned towards me in his chair. "That's what we want everyone thinking about. We're planning on winning. You like winning too, don't you Bakugou?"

I glared at him with as much anger as I could.

"Dabi, release his restraints." Shigaraki pointed at my hands.

"Are you stupid?" Dabi sighed. "He's going to fight, you know."

"It's fine." Shigaraki shrugged. "We need to treat him as an equal since we're scouting him." he then grinned evilly at me. "Besides, you can tell what your chances of winning are in this situation, right, Bakugou?"

Dabi rolled his eyes. "Twice, you do it."

"What, me? No way." Twice looked almost offended.

"Do it." Dabi sighed.

"Damn you..." Twice made his way over to me.

"I do apologize for using such forceful methods." said compress, the man in the mask who had forced me into that tiny space when I had been kidnapped. "But please understand that we are not just a mob trying to commit crimes. We didn't kidnap you by accident."

I pretended not to listen as Twice stuck a key in my bulky handcuffs and slid them off.

Once I was free, I rubbed my hands, pretending that they were sore. I was actually working up sweat.

Shigaraki walked up to me with his hands in his pockets. "Now, doesn't that feel better?" he asked.

I raised my hand and with a downward swinging motion, released six explosions in the faces of the League of Villains.

One of the hands released its grip on Shigaraki's face and thudded to the floor. The smoke billowed up from the ground and I stumbled and stood up.

Damnit. I thought as I felt my knees start to give way. My legs were weak from being stuck in a sitting position for two days straight.

"I listened quietly to your endless talking..." I growled, trying to force my body to stand up straight. "Idiots can't get to the point so they're always talking for a long time. Basically, all you wanted to say was 'join us so we can have another weapon to harass people with', right?"

"Well I've got news for you buddy. Don't bother with that shit." I finally stood up all the way. I glared through my hair and the smoke still swirling around.

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