Chapter Twelve

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Kirishima POV:

At 5:15 in the morning, Aizawa rammed on our door. "Get dressed and go out into the clearing. Quirk training starts in fifteen minutes."

I groaned and rolled over with my hand flopped over my face.

After a few seconds of my body getting used to waking up, I sat up.

Some of the other guys were sitting up as well, rubbing their eyes and stretching.

We all made our way to the dorm-like bathroom to brush our teeth and wash our faces.

Bakugou actually didn't seem like more of a jerk than usual early in the morning.

"I thought you'd be super mean or whatever in the mornings, but you seem pretty normal." Sero tapped his chin.

"Yeah well I'm used to waking up earlier than this for... trips." Bakugou muttered.

"What kind of trips?" I asked.

"None of your fucking business Shitty Hair!" He glared at me.

"Don't you like mountain climbing?" Tokoyami raised his hand a little.

Bakugou rolled his eyes and stomped out of the dorm to the clearing.

"Touchy subject I guess." Tokoyami said quietly.

When we were all out in the clearing, Aizawa paired some of us up for training, and sent other off by themselves. I was put with Ojiro.

We were instructed to spar, but there were a few strange rules. Ojiro could only use his tail and I could only hit his tail. Basically, I was to use hardening while Ojiro pummeled me.

We did this for hours, hitting and dodging and literally beating each other up.

By the time Aizawa let us stop for dinner, my body was sore and Ojiro's tail was covered in bruises.

"Sorry about that, man." I said weakly.

Ojiro just raised his hand in forgiveness, his eyes closed from exhaustion.

I stumbled over to Sero and Kaminari. Kaminari was in full dunce mode, his eyes were crossed and he had both thumbs up.

"Hey guys..." It took everything in my not to fall over.

"Yay." Kaminari greeted me.

I snorted.

Ashido's hands were shaking.

"You good?" I asked, looking at her with a concerned look on my face.

"I have never produced so much acid at once." She rasped. "My hands hurt so bad."

"Well my elbows feel like they're about to fall off." Sero clutched his massive, tape-dispensing elbow joints.

"I feel like a rock that's been run over." I groaned.

"You look like a rock that's been run over." Bakugou came over and looked me up and down.

"You look like you just came out of a sauna." Ashido shot back.

"I've been sticking my hands in boiling water all fucking day, what'd you expect??" He shouted.

Ragdoll and Pixie-Bob popped up in front of us, arms full of vegetables.

"Remember what we said yesterday? 'Today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you'?" Pixie-Bob announced.

"Well today you can make your own food!" Ragdoll yelled. "Curry!"

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