Chapter Eighteen

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Kirishima POV:

The day after Bakugou's kidnapping, I was restless. I couldn't sit still at my own house because everything reminded me of Bakugou. The pictures of the whole squad together, the ones that I'd forced Bakugou to take with me, the crocs with explosions on them that he had gotten me for my birthday.

So I decided to go visit Midoriya in the hospital.

On my way to the elevator, I ran into Todoroki.

"Todoroki, why are you here?" I asked.

"What about you?" He returned the question.

"Well.. I couldn't just sit at home... and..." I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. (A/N that's nape for all my aot people)

"I see." Todoroki smiled a little. "Me neither."

"Are you visiting Midoriya too?" I asked as we waited in the elevator.

"Well actually, I was going to check on Yaoyorozu." He said.

"She's here too? No way!" I gasped.

"Yes, that's her room there." Todoroki pointed to an open door.

We peeked in. Yaoyorozu was sitting on the edge of her bed, talking to All Might and a police officer.

"...tracking device to a Nomu." Yaoyorozu was saying. "This device will receive that signal. Please use it for your investigation."

"Aizawa said you lacked the judgement to make quick decisions. You have grown so much!" All Might grinned at her. "Thank you, Young Yaoyorozu!"

"Maybe we should come back and see her after Midoriya." I whispered.

Todoroki nodded.

We opened the door to Midoriya's room. He was still asleep, so we sat near his bed while we waited for the people to leave Yaoyorozu's room.

"We'll visit tomorrow with the whole class, right?" I looked at Todoroki.

"That was the plan, yes." He nodded. "Hopefully Midoriya will be awake then."

"Hopefully." I agreed. "I have something I want to tell him- tell the whole class actually."
"What is it?" Todoroki cocked his head.

"Just wait." I grinned.

-/time skip to the visit the next day/-

"I'll check and see if he's awake." Kaminari slid open the door to Midoriya's room and peeked in.

"Hey, you're up!" Kaminari grinned and slid open the door.

Everyone who had come entered the room.

"Did you see the news?" I asked Midoriya. "The media's swarming the school right now."

"It's worse than it was during the spring." Satou added.

Mineta started babbling about the melon we brought for Midoriya because we had forgotten that his arms were bandaged up.

Tokoyami started to apologize again, but Midoriya cut him off. "No, it's not your fault. Did everyone in class 1-A come?"

Our faces all fell a little as Iida stepped forward to fill Midoriya in.

"Jirou and Hagakure are still unconscious from the villains' gas. Also Yaoyorozu got a bad head injury and is hospitalized just down the hall. And of course Bakugou-"

"But everyone else came." I broke in with a forced smile.

"Once, All Might said 'I cannot save those I can't reach. So I will always save whoever I can reach." Tears formed in Midoriya's eyes. "I could have reached Kacchan... but my body couldn't move fast enough... I was so weak after saving Kota, I couldn't save someone right in front of me."

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