Chapter Twenty-Four

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Kirishima POV:

I sat at home on the couch after a long time of my mom crying and my dad yelling at me.

A red mark bloomed on my face from where my dad had slapped me.

"I-I'm gonna go to bed now..." I whispered through the tears.

"Fucking see if I care!" My dad shouted.

"Have a good rest, honey." Mom smiled a little.

"Thanks mom." I tried to force a smile back, but it just turned out like a regretful kind of grimace.

I collapsed as soon as I closed my bedroom door behind me. I laid on the floor crying for about 10 minutes, and then my phone buzzed.

Bakubro 💥

oi, shitty hair

hey bro! if you need anything at all, im here for you, i gotcha bro.

whatever can help you

i dont need anything, fucking got it

but if u could come over so we can talk i woudnt kill u just to let u know

id love to, but my dad would kill me

u never fucking snuck out, shitty hair?


yeah i can do that

see you in a bit bro 😊

fucking whatever

I wiped my tears and locked my door. Bakugou needed me. This was no time to be sulking.

I opened my window and climbed onto the roof. Hardening my body, I carefully jumped down to the ground.

I jumped on my bike and pedalled as fast as I could. Thankfully, Bakugou lived pretty close.

Panting, I pulled out my phone.

Bakubro 💥

here. want me to go thru the window or something

u can just come to the back door i'll let u in


I opened the side gate and tiptoed into the backyard. It felt like I was committing a crime for some reason. I snuck past his parents' bedroom window while holding my breath.

I knocked lightly on the back door and it swung open. Bakugou stood there with a blush across his cheeks and his face puffy and red. He looked like a mess.

"Bro..." I whispered.

"Don't talk about it. Come on." He growled.

I followed him up to his room and sat on the edge of the foot of his bed. Bakugou sat next to me.

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