[Not edited] Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

So, I need to get to the park near the school right?

Shuichi thought to himself, whilst trying to figure out the directions to the place he needs to get to. As if on cue, a figure had bumped into him by accident. The moment that the navy blue haired looked down at the figure, he immediately recognised him as Kokichi.

"I'm so sorry Shumai! I wasn't looking where I was going!" the amethyst haired exclaimed, almost immediately after he got off the pavement.

How on earth did I let this happen again? I swear I'm becoming one of those cliche anime girls! The worst part is that I'm not even a girl!

Kokichi panicked mentally, whilst keeping a calm composure in front of his beloved. Truth be told, he too just so happened to be thinking about something that had bothered him for quite some time now.

Which led him to the situation he is in now.

"Kokichi-" Shuichi began, pausing to take a calm breath before he continued, "I-It's fine! Honestly! That stuff just happens!"

At the response, all the supreme leader seemed to be able to do was smile. The smile was genuine, and he hoped, from the bottom of his heart, that his beloved could see that. When Shuichi smiled back, the supreme leader felt the butterflies in his stomach. He felt his cheeks slightly warm up on his face. Luckily it was warm outside (surprisingly enough, it was autumn).

"A-anyway, well, I'm kinda lost-" Shuichi admitted, blushing a soft red out of embarrassment. The supreme leader secretly thought it was cute. His favourite part of Shuichi's face had to be the amber eyes. They looked really gorgeous in the light.

After finally processing what the detective said, he immediately thought of a way to stay with his beloved. In a way, he wanted to get to know him better. 

"Oh don't worry Shumai! I know the way, let's walk there together!" Kokichi suggested, more eagerly than he probably should have done.

Shuichi looked at the amethyst haired boy in shock. He was surprised that the panta boy (of all people) would offer help to him. However, he felt grateful for it.

"That actually would be great! Thank you!" The navy blue haired boy replied, for once without stuttering. He was surprised himself, but mostly grateful that his social anxiety decided to leave him alone for a bit to allow him to have a decent conversation with Kokichi.

All that Shuichi received in return was another smile from Kokichi. Whether it was genuine or not, he would never know.

Before he knew it, they were having a long conversation about everything and nothing. At some point, laughter could be heard from the both. In general, both of them were simply enjoying the moment they had together.

In the distance, Kaede and Maki were spying on them both. Why? You may ask. It's mainly because they wanted things to go smoothly. While it is true that Maki had refused to help the class out before, thanks to a lot of convincing from the pianist's side, the assassin agreed to the plan. Now their current job during Phase 2: Making sure things go smoothly.

"I still don't understand the purpose of all this." Maki whispered, admitting something to Kaede that she hasn't told anybody else involved with this chaotic plan just yet.

"Well, the point is, it's there to help them get together. Shuichi and Kokichi themselves will be doing most of the work, we're just giving them a push in the right direction." The blonde haired explained, quietly so that only the black haired girl could hear.

"Oh, fair enough, I suppose. Kaito is still against this however, mainly because he hates Kokichi's guts. To be frank, I hate him as well, but if them being together makes Shuichi happy, then... I guess I could help out for his sake." Maki revealed in a whisper, her tone showing just how sincere she was. If she had to be honest, she was often way too honest in certain situations. Though it's not as if she'd openly admit that.

"That's not really that surprising." Kaede replied, a short giggle escaping her lips. It gave Maki a strange feeling of happiness, though she'd never admit that.

Eventually, the duo in question and the spies had made it to the park. Both Tenko and Himiko were already there, waiting in the queue by the ice cream truck. The magician and aikido master waved to both the panta boy and the detective. Unlike them, the girls knew that Maki and Kaede were going to arrive also. Once Kokichi and Shuichi had made it to the ice cream truck, Kaede and Maki walked up to them. They did this in order for it to make it look as if they came here by coincidence.

"O-Oh, Hi Kaede!" Shuichi replied, with the usual stutter. As a result, he failed to notice the shorter male snatching the detective's emo hat.

"Hey! Give it back!" Was Shuichi's only response once he finally realised what had happened to his hat, causing his amber eyes to be exposed to his classmates.

He chased after Kokichi for the sole purpose of getting his hat back. After many tries and fails, however, the detective gave up and decided to suck it up and deal with it.

"You know, Shuichi, I didn't know you had such pretty eyes." Kaede admitted, smiling her usual smile as she did.

When Kaede turned to face Kokichi, he looked at her like a predator looking at its prey.

This was going to be interesting indeed.

[EDITING] Truth or Dare // NDRV3 {Saiouma Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now