Mother Knows a Bad Liar

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I really need to stop being late on these updates. Sorry once again. The next chapter will be the sports festival because I can't come up with anything to happen between now and then. Sorry for another rather short chapter. Also, the song above song represents Izuku and his mom when it comes to him being Verde and the whole shy facade he puts on. Izuku is not actually shy- why would he when he nearly dies every other night? He just doesn't want to deal with people. Also, did I mention Izuku is no longer taking classes at the dojo? If I haven't, then please let me know so I can implement that into my story.

It was late into Sunday and the files were all that anyone would talk about. Mei had given the quirk dampening cuffs to Eri (thank god they looked like bracelets), and Mei and Izuku found themselves at the Cafe. It had been decided that it would be best for Eri to stay with Gentle and La Brava for the time being. Somehow, despite the whole police force knowing what Gentle looks like, no one has yet to find where he lives. How he even pays for his home is beyond Izuku.

"I'm just saying that I can't wait for Rojo to test out my gear!" Mei squealed.

"Shh, Mei! Are you trying to draw attention to us?!" Izuku glanced over towards Aizawa and Yamada to make sure they didn't overhear her. "And how many times do I have to tell you that she's not ready? She needs training and time to cool down!" Izuku hissed.

"Oh, sorry. I just got excited about having another Vigilante! I'm sure she'll give Dadzawa a heart attack! Speaking of which, I've been meaning to give you this." Mei handed over a weird looking phone. "This is the Verde Phone. It's untraceable and it masks your voice with the same voice your voice modifier does! Now you can annoy Dadzawa whenever you want!"

"Thanks, Mei. It's much appreciated." Izuku smiled.

Izuku's phone vibrated and he pulled it out. Izuku paled at the notification he saw.

Mom: I know. We need to talk about your hobbies

Mom: Bring Hatsume with you. I have no doubt she tags along with you in your hobbies.

"Shit. She knows." Izuku cursed.

"Who knows?" Mei asked.

"My mom. She knows about me." Verde replied with fear.

"Well, you're dead. I'm going to go work on my babies so everyone can see how awesome they are at the sports festival and then I'll become famous!" Mei cheerfully responded.

"She said you had to come with me." Izuku smiled.

"Aw, man." Mei whined.

"Well, let's not keep her waiting. Might as well face our impending doom." Izuku sighed as he pushed himself out of his chair.

"I can't get out of this and make babies instead?" Mei begged.

"No. You've got to face your consequences as well." Izuku pointed out.

"Dang it. Now I wish I stuck with that idea to build a robot clone of myself." Mei grumbled.

~~~At the apartment~~~

Now, Inko was a smart woman. She was just as smart as she was kind. So, of course, she wasn't blind to her son's activities. She raised the boy for fuck's sake! Did he really expect her to fall for  his excuses? He went on nightly runs in the same clothing every other night! The same clothing Verde wore. And he actually thought he could sneak out the window? Seriously? She wasn't born yesterday! Thank god his teachers at UA were nieve enough to fail for his facade of a shy boy. Otherwise, she'd have problems she didn't want to deal with.

The front door opened and slammed shut. Izuku and Mei's voices could be heard in harsh whispers as they walked down the hall to the living room. As soon as Izuku saw his mother sitting on the couch, he felt as if he walked into the lion's den. Inko was giving him a hard look. 

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