A Step Towards One's Journey

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I am HERE...with a story of Izuku basically rejecting All Might's quirk and going off to prove he can be a hero without a quirk. There are no limit breakers or magical abilities that he gains. Just no! This is a purely quirkless boy who uses smarts, skills, and agility to get to the top. Now I might go a little out of character for some people but it is kind of hard to see how they would react since Izuku never actually rejected the quirk in the canon verse. I will try to stay as in character with everyone as possible. (Unless plot begs to differ of course.)Also, I felt as if the song above best fitted how Izuku feels about himself and his dreams. Then again so does "Who we are" by Imagine Dragons. So, Without further due, let's get on with it!

His whole life he was told what he dreamed of was the impossible. That he couldn't be a hero. That he should just give up. But despite that, despite all the negative feedback and pain he went through, he just couldn't give up. He wouldn't give up! He was born with the spirit and heart of a hero after all, so why wouldn't fate be in favor of a hero? Could fate really be so cruel? Sure he was quirkless, but that didn't mean anything. Really, he wasn't that far behind. Many heroes fought basically quirkless- not that he was thinking of this notion right now. No, he had started thinking of how maybe he should give up or at least stop being so delusional. All Might and the other heroes said it themselves; he didn't have the quirk for it and it would be reckless. Yet some part of him was not willing to give in. He was so determined to prove society as a whole wrong.

And here we have our young prodigy now, with All Might (or Small Might seeing he's deflated right now) standing in front of him saying he can be a hero and is worthy of his quirk. But does he want the quirk? Well now that he thought about it, no, he doesn't. Now, don't get him wrong, he appreciates the thought and gesture of All Might-really, he does. But gaining a quirk? That would only go against what he has been trying to prove for oh so long. That a quirkless young lad like him too could be a hero. That is wasn't a quirk that defined what a hero could be. So, of course, he would have to decline. He felt bad seeing that All Might has gone so far and long looking for the next holder, but he just couldn't take it upon himself to go against his major goal. All Might would just have to go and find someone else. Izuku straightened his poster and looked up to All Might, wiping his tears away.

"Ah, All Might sir, I'm sorry but I don't think I can except your quirk! Don't get me wrong- I appreciate the gesture, I really do! And I have never had someone believe in me either... but you see, I am aiming to be the first quirkless hero, and I can't do that with a quirk. I know it sounds silly, but I am trying to prove that anyone can be a hero if they try their best. Having One For All would kind of go against that point and I want to prove that I can make it as myself. As a quirkless, nerdy Deku. I just can't give up, not now! I have been through so much pain and struggling... I won't give up, I will prove to everyone that doubted me or bullied me and pushed me down that I, Izuku Midoriya, can also be a hero."

All Might spat out blood in surprise. He looked at the young boy in front of him- the boy so determined to prove that he was worthy of heroics just like everyone else. The way the boy responded with such a calm yet determined voice as if he was fighting for such a worthy cause-which he was. He had so much fighting spirit and potential. Yes, he didn't have a quirk and getting into UA would be hell for him, but if he did get in, he would make history. Being a fellow quirkless, or used to be quirkless anyways(sorry for spoiling-not really), he understood where Midoriya was coming from. He was in Midoriya's shoes when he was younger. But he was granted All For One to make his dream a reality. Yet Midoriya wants to do it without the quirk. Was it dangerous? Yes, most definitely.

But wasn't that part of the job? No hero is safe in the line of duty. Who was he to judge how well Midoriya would do when the boy had already proven to be more brave and heroic than most heroes? The boy was willing to die to save that kid when the other heroes were afraid to do anything due to their quirks being at a disadvantage. All Might regretted telling him he couldn't be a hero without a quirk. He was responding due to his own fears and weaknesses, not realizing that with the proper training and tools, this boy could be an excellent hero- as well as a fearsome one. All Might gave Midoriya a small smile as he wiped the blood of his mouth. (I called him Midoriya instead of Izuku because that's what All Might calls him in his thoughts, so please don't point out that I keep switching between his first and last name.)

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