It's Showtime!

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Hello. We are back. Also, I know the title is cringy but it fits this chapter so let's roll with it. And also, out of curiosity, I was wanting to know who here is a fellow believer in the theory of All For One being Izuku's dad? There is evidence for both sides so I like to see why people take what side they take. Just don't start fights in the comments if you want to debate it. But please comment because I want to see how everyone else in the fandom feels about the topic. Also, I swear I had to rewatch episodes 3-5 so many times to just get what everyone says right! (Another thing, I've never realized how much I liked Present Mic as a character till I went back and heard him speaking. I love how he talks!)  Since I do not know how many points are needed to pass, I will go with 50. Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if most contestants 11-20 who passed  got a score between 50-54. I also changed how many rescue points one contestant earned. Anyways, let's start this chapter!

Today was the day. Today they would take a test that would determine their fate; to be or not to be heroes. Well, that's not entirely true. If they fail, they could always try the sports festival to get into the heroics course. Then again, they wanted to get into that course as soon as possible! Shinso had gotten better at his fighting and analysis, but he was not as prepared as Izuku and Ojiro were. Shinso did not have as much free time as Izuku had to learn martial arts, so he was right about where Izuku was after a month. While that was good enough to do basic fighting, he wouldn't last against anyone too serious. But he would be okay. Probably. Or at least that's what he keeps telling himself as the trio head off to UA to take the entrance exam. To be honest, they were all nervous about this exam- why wouldn't they be? There would be so many other people trying to get in, and only like under half a hundred kids usually get in. And some of those  students were recommended so even less from this exam would get in!

"This is it. Today is our day to shine!" Izuku said with confidence as they approached the gates of UA.

"There's got to be at least a few thousand others taking the exam! We're going to have to go beyond our best to get in!" Ojiro said nervously.

"That's why we applied for the General Studies as well, Ojiro. In case we fail the Hero exam." Shinso deadpanned.

"Yeah. If we fail this exam, we always have the Sports Festival. Together, we can easily get into the finals by working together." Izuku said, trying to cheer his nervous friend up.

"You're right. Thanks, Zuku." Ojiro said as he sighed with relief.

"Don't look now, but here comes the Pomeranian." Shinso informed in a low tone.

"He glaring at me?"


"Dammit. He is never going to learn that I'm not going to put up with his shit, huh?"

"Pretty much. That's short-tempered, egotistical people for you." Shinso laughed. 

Izuku sighed with slight annoyance.

"Deku you damn nerd, out of my-"

Izuku and his friends simply moved aside and Izuku sighed, "Ever the egotistical one, eh? We're here to take an exam, not roll out the red carpet for his majesty. So please grow up already, and stop yelling at everyone. No hero school wants a short-tempered brat who yells at everyone. It's just not hero material."

Bakugo glowered at Izuku, beyond pissed that the "damn nerd" stood up to him again. Izuku and his friends just ignored the explosive dimwit in favor of entering the school building so they could get to their testing places. As much as they would just love to humor the ticking-time-bomb, they did need to find their testing areas for the written exam part. The written exam wouldn't be too hard if all the studying they did had any say in it. Every single moment that wasn't dedicated towards exercise, training, or school went towards studying all materials they could get their hands on. Now the physical? That was what they were anxious about. However, since the physical was a few hours away, they decided to focus the written exam for now. They found the testing room, they had the same room, and sat down. Soon after, the tests were handed out.

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