Team Verde Emerges?

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I'm sick again, so sorry if it took a little longer for this chapter to come out. Sorry if song doesn't fit chapter completely, but It does fit some of the characters in this chapter (Characters I didn't even think of adding because I didn't know of them, but then Season 4 changed my mind.). I don't know if Izuku's apartment bedroom actually has a window, but let's just say it does for the sake of my writing.(and sanity when writing). Also, if I don't update within two weeks, I blame the coronavirus. It's ruining everything.

Nezu sighed as he finished watching the camera feed from the hidden security system of the USJ from the attack two days ago. He was drawn to the parts of the feed that featured Midoriya, and couldn't help but draw similarities to the ever-elusive Verde. It was actually quite calming to know he had Verde under his watchful eye. And the fact he was quirkiness would actually work in both of their favors. As soon as Nezu found out about Verde, he was intrigued. Not that many people can escape Eraserhead, nonetheless multiple times. The fact a fifteen-year-old quirkless boy could do so was intriguing. Midoriya was unlikely to get caught since no one suspected a quirkless teen yet. And if he did get caught, he couldn't be charged with much. At most, he'd get community service. Even then, with such large public approval, they'd have to let him go completely. Then there was the talk of his analysis notebooks. Despite some of the teachers' best efforts to keep him from finding out, he managed to overhear talk of them between Present Mic and All Might. He also took note of his quick thinking when he watched his trial in the heroes vs villains battles All Might made the students do.

Midoriya was an interesting student indeed. Nezu was going to enjoy watching the chaos unfold. Especially when Eraserhead realizes Verde has been right under his nose the entire time. Quite clever of the boy to continually antagonize his homeroom teacher every other night. Then again, perhaps it was a little suicidal of him as well. He did, after all, try to attend his school while being a vigilante. Did he seriously think he could hide his nightly affairs from Nezu? The smartest person on Earth? No one can outsmart Nezu. The fact Midoriya was able to last more than one day without him finding out he was Verde did intrigue though. Nezu really wanted to see Midoriya's notebooks sometime soon. Perhaps he could figure out why the boy became Verde if he got the chance to chat with him.

~~~~With Izuku and Shinso at the beach~~~~

Shinso ducked under Izuku's punch and tried to kick out at his legs to knock him down. Izuku predicted he would do that so he moved to the side and swiped at the leg that wasn't trying to kick him, knocking Shinso off his feet and onto the sandy surface below them.

Izuku stood over the exhausted Shinso with a smile, "You're getting better overall, but you need to get better at hiding your way of fighting. This is the fifth time you tried to knock me down after dodging a punch. You're too predictable. Change your style up a bit. Also, don't be afraid to get dirty when fighting. I know it goes against dojo policy, but when it comes to villains, the fight won't be all fair and square. If tossing sand or dirt in someone's eyes is what it takes, then so be it. With your quirk, maybe you should try getting on your opponent's nerves? You know, get under their skin. People tend to make mistakes when their judgment is clouded by emotions. Anyway, let's move on to chain whip practice. Maybe once you get into the heroics class we can convince Aizawa sensei to teach you how to use a capture weapon seeing you like long-distance weapons so much."

Shinso pushed himself up into a sitting position and replied, "I'd love to learn how to use a capture scarf! Eraserhead's weapon is so cool!"

Izuku laughed as he pulled Shinso to his feet. Shinso would probably become the next Eraserhead after he graduates. In all honesty, the fact he was training his favorite hero's future sidekick or co-worker was thrilling. Eraserhead would lose his shit if he ever found out.

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