It Gets Worse

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Hey, guys! So I was researching who went to which zone in USJ and found a lot of theories. So, here's a little rant. So, apparently, some people think Ojiro is the traitor? I mean... I can't see it. he's like the least likely to be... well, unless his personality is all an act. But who do you think the traitor is? I personally think it might be Monoma or maybe Hagakure. Or perhaps someone outside of heroics. But consider how easier it would be for Hagakure to spy on the teacher to get info. It would make it so easy for the teachers to suspect another teacher of being a traitor. After all, how would the students know info the teachers didn't share? She could of figured out exactly where camp would be. Monoma might just be as egotistic as Bakugo, but we know why Bakugo is that way. We don't know why Monoma is that way. He seems pretty focused on ruining 1-A's day. The again, I doubt the traitor would be that easy to figure out. So maybe he isn't the traitor? Another possibility is Uraraka. Consider her love for her parents. The only reason I can see her as the traitor is if someone was threatening her parents. Anyways, let's get to the story!


 "Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, to All Might The symbol of Peace, and he's not here? I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids?"

Izuku was not going to give up without a fight. He may not be Verde right now, but that didn't mean he was going to stay down.


Aizawa-Sensei yelled, "Get back! Those are real villains!"

Izuku glanced around with worry as he tried to analyze his situation. There was a guy made of mist who seemed to be some type of warp gate or portal. Then there was a guy covered in hands with this giant bird looking monster. There were also multiple thugs about, and no doubt more in hiding. This was obviously planned base upon the structure of the group of villains. It was also evident that the guy covered in hands was some sort of leader or boss seeing he stayed back and watched. And the warp guy? He must be the get-away driver or escape route for them. The hand guy had said something about killing kids and expecting All might. So they must be here for All Might. But why? Izuku glanced towards his classmates to see Todoroki and Aizawa-sensei pointing out that this was obviously planned and that there was someone blocking transmissions and alerts. That means there would be no help unless one of them got to the school. Iida would be there best bet seeing he was the fastest. Izuku had some smoke and sleep gas bombs. Perhaps he could help the situation?  Izuku glanced towards his teacher who had just addressed one of his classmates: "Kaminari, try getting in contact with the school."

"Yes-sir!" The human taser responded.

Izuku realized what Eraserhead was about to do and shouted, "Wait, Sensei! You're fighting by yourself? Even if you can erase their quirks, there's no way you can erase quirks of that many people! You're fighting skill are not meant for huge crowds! You specialize in sneak attacks!"

Izuku knew his teacher would do somewhat okay, but he didn't want to risk losing one of his favorite heroes. Who else would he antagonize at night? Besides, Eraserhead was a really good teacher and person. Izuku didn't want him to die because some asshole villains decided to ruin the day. Besides, Izuku was having flashbacks of finding the hero in trouble against a small group of thugs. This was a way bigger group. So Izuku had every reason to worry.

"No hero is a one-trick pony, Midoriya! Thirteen, you're in charge!" Aizawa responded before leaping into the fray.

Izuku didn't bother trying to escape but instead moved over to Ojiro to pull him aside. Not even a moment later, the warp guy appeared in front of the exit and exclaimed that they wouldn't escape. Unfortunately, two idiots in the class decided they would try to attack a man-made of mist and portals. Izuku was slightly annoyed that Bakugo and Kirishima tried to attack someone that was made of mist. What were they expecting to happen? To somehow magically knock him out? It was like they wanted to die! Sure enough, the mist guy was mad and decided to swallow up everyone with his mist. 'great, because this week wasn't bad enough' Izuku thought bitterly as he and Ojiro started to fall. When they landed, Izuku noted how hot it was and how there were flames all around them. They had apparently landed in the Conflagration zone.

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