fixed chapter: Expose Flaming Trash? Mission Accepted.

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So sorry I'm late on posting. I got sick again and didn't have it in me to post anything. Also, not sorry for the song choice above. Yes, it's the 10 hour-long version. Does it make the chapter better? Maybe. Maybe not. Todoroki fans, this chapter is the start of your justice for our poor scarred, soba loving boy who didn't get it in the anime since SOMEONE thought dear daddy flaming trash deserved redemption!!! Did I have fun with this chapter? Hell yes!!! You don't know how much I've wanted Endeavor to pay for his crimes against his family.

"I'm in." La Brava affirmed as she finally hacked into the surveillance cameras and alarm system. "You've got about twenty minutes to find what you're looking for before the system comes back on and the cameras are no longer on loop. Good luck."

Two figures dropped into the dark room from the vents above. One was dressed in green clothing, the other looked like some fantasy vampire pirate wannabe (sorry not sorry.) They were in the file room of Endeavor's agency, looking for proof of rather concerning claims against the flame hero. The complaints came from an anonymous person who wanted Endeavor to be brought to justice. And who better to bring it then the YouTube sensations Gentle Criminal and Verde.

"To think one of society's own protectors would resort to such atrocities." Gentle exclaimed in a whisper as he dug through a file cabinet.

It wasn't really that surprising. Really. Endeavor has always rubbed Verde in the wrong way. He just didn't strike him as a normal hero. What kind of hero yells at civilians and completely ignored their safety?

Verde sighed as he stopped digging through files and looked at his accomplice."He's reckless and has caused many deaths. He tried to kill me. He's arrogant and obviously has a major ego. So honestly, I'm not surprised that he'd be an abusive father. And considering his wife's quirk is the opposite of his, the quirk marriage sounds plausible."

Verde had been concerned when he saw that Todoroki wasn't even upset with his father being humiliated on youtube. The fact he apologized for his father's behavior showed he didn't get along well with his dad. Then there was the scar. How did Todoroki get it? And he obviously didn't want to use his fire side. A little research and simple observation led to Verde finding out about it. Todoroki always melted the ice after making it. He had to have a heat side. A look into his files- yeah, he hacked the police, so what?- led to him discovering that his quirk was half cold half hot. Gentle Criminal didn't know much about the Todoroki family, but by the bitter tone in Verde's voice, he knew that the allegations might be true.

Flipping through a file, Gentle let out a soft sound of victory. He had found many complaints towards the agency that were rejected and silenced through threats. Apparently, Endeavor can bribe the law to ruin someone's life or to permanently silence them under a court order. Gentle scoffed in disgust. "He's definitely got the shady and corrupted eastward part down."

Verde shook his head with shame as he found a false bottom in the file drawer. "That would explain his impossible clean record despite how much trouble he causes." Verde pulled out a file that was really thick and covered in thick tap that read CLASSIFIED. "Huh, it looks like I've hit the jackpot."

Inside the file was the paperwork for a quirk marriage as well as a cover-up for the "death" of Touya Todoroki. There were papers to help cover up the fact that his youngest son had to get lots of treatment after "training".  At least 500 sheets of pure evidence were in his hands. If he got this to the media-oh boy would they have a field day with it! He could also get La Brava to spread it all over the media. It shouldn't be that hard for her to send it to every single person in Japan. Right? "Hey, La Brava? How hard would it be for you to send files to everyone in Japan?"

"Not too hard. Though, it might take a few hours. Why did you ask?" La Brava responded.

"Oh, no reason. I just found at least 500 pages of evidence of Endeavor being an abusive and law-breaking asshole. This might just land him in jail for bribery, false papers, cover-ups, and a quirk marriage! He covered up the reason his son died! He beats his son up and calls it training!" Verde laughed.

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