The Best of The Best

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Hello guys. Here's another chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it. Also, My writing might be slightly different in this chapter; I blame a change in my current mood on that. I'm usually tired and stressed out. My writing didn't change too much, just some more cometary I guess? I also noticed that Izuku is becoming a little OOC in my story. Sorry about that. Anyways, I hope you guys love my chapter.

The teams were drawn. This moment would either make it or break it for the hopeful in the final stage of the Sports Festival. Meanwhile, young Eri was about to begin her first patrol. But unlike Verde's first patrol, Eri's first patrol would end up shaking up the world. But, that's for later. Right now, Izuku is about to start his first battle in the final stage of the Sports Festival. Not going to lie, this match was going to be a rough one. Kirishima was built like a rock, but Izuku, he was all brains and dirty fighting. It would be an interesting fight indeed. Izuku entered the ring as Kirishima entered from the other side. The redhead was wearing a big grin as they met in the center of the ring. Izuku smiled back, already coming up with at least twenty plans to defeat his manly classmate. He liked Kirishima, he really did, but he had to prove a point today, and if Kirishima has to fall then so be it. No hard feelings, right? Getting your ass handed to you by a quirkless kid on live television can't be that bad, right? Yeah... a lot of people were going to get wrecked today. Not Izuku's fault that people can be so cruel nowadays.

"You better go all out on me, bro." Kirishima cheered.

"I could say the same to you, Kirishima. I've got something to prove so you better go all out as well!" Izuku responded.


Midnight announced the starting of the match, and Kirishima immediately hardened his whole body (Damn, wasn't that weird to type?) and went to punch Izuku. Izuku ducked and kicked out his feet to trip the redheaded teen. Kirishima fell down but quickly rolled to his left as Izuku jumped up and kicked towards the place Kirishima was just seconds ago.

Izuku smirked as Kirishima got up and they started circling each other. "You're reflexes aren't half bad."

"I could say the same to you, man. You're pretty fast." Kirishima grinned.

Izuku pulled out his bo-staff lunged forward and swung at Kirishima. Kirishima stepped to the side to avoid the incoming hit, leaving Midoriya to go past him. Midoriya quickly turned and swung at Kirishima's neck, disorienting him. If Kirishima hadn't activated his quirk earlier, that attack would have fully taken him out. "However, it seems your reflexes aren't good enough against mine!" Izuku noted as he dropped his staff.

Kirishima went to punch Izuku (read sluggishly punch), but Izuku caught him by the arm with both hands and swung him out of bounds.

"Sorry, Kirishima, but I'm not going down that easy." Izuku declared as he raised his fist into the air. he then picked his staff back up and put it back on his back (he was allowed a scabbard for it I guess)

"Ejirou Kirishima is out of bounds!!! Izuku Midoriya moves on to the next round!" Midnight announced to the crowd.

Kirishima groaned as he tried to get up. He could only sit up due to him still being disoriented. Kirishima rubbed his head as he looked up to an approaching Izuku. "That was manly throw there, Midoriya. You surprised me there."

Izuku helped him up with a smile. "Hey, don't cut yourself short. You did great out there as well. To last as long as you did against a blackbelt welder is amazing." 

"I only lasted like a minute or so." Kirishima replied with doubt. "That's hardly impressive."

Izuku helped him sit down on the stretcher that would take him to the nurse's office. "Exactly, that's longer than most people nowadays."

Verde (quirkless Deku AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin