Declaration of War? Sure, why not.

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Sorry I updated late. I've been busy with some things. Plus a state shut down and two siblings using the computer for school all day makes updating much harder. Song has nothing to do with chapter for once, but I feel it might fit Mei and Shinso a little (or maybe fit Gentle Criminal now that I think about it). Here's the chapter. Sorry if it's way shorter then usual. I'm suffering from writers block :( I have the basic idea of what I want, but no idea of how to go from point A to B. It may also seemed rushed Once again, I'm sorry, but Writer's block is a bitch.

Izuku sighed as he flopped down into his seat, planting his head down onto his desk. The short break they received after the attack was not as relaxing as he thought it would be. Sure, being a vigilante was taxing-he knew that- but he didn't expect the chaos of his new teammates to happen. Don't get him wrong, he wasn't complaining, but he could deal without the added stress. He still couldn't believe he somehow slipped up enough for fucking Gentle Criminal to find him. Then there was freaking Mei Hatsume herself. Having her interested in you was a major crisis. Anyone who has heard of her at UA knows you should stay as far away as possible from her. She has a reputation to be rather crazy in the lab. Even Pro heroes fear her. At least he got some updated gear.

It was the morning after he ran into Mei and the two "villains" (read Vigilantes). He had met up with Mei to give her his goggles. She had been rummaging through a pile of junk, looking for a car engine for her prototype AI.

"Hey, Mei." he sighed as he stopped a foot away from her.

"Oh hey, Midori-san." Mei grinned as she stood up from her position in the pile and dusted herself off.

"Here's my goggles." Izuku said as he tossed them to her.

"Oh great! I'm going to make them so amazing that Einstein himself will roll in his grave!" Mei cheered."I'll get them to you before school starts!"

Something blew up in a nearby junk pile. "Oh, no! My babies malfunctioned again!!!"

Yeah, Mei sure is something. He just dreaded the moment La Brava and Mei met. It was going to happen at one point, and he knew it would be hell if they became friends. In fact, they were all supposed to meet after school today in the junkyard. Apparently their first "official" team meeting or something. Izuku was just thrilled to go to it. It's not like he planned on being solo for life or anything. Nope. Not at all. At least he got to school early enough to get a quick nap in- his phone vibrated, much to his irritation.

With a sigh, he pulled his phone out of his pocket to see who exactly he would be killing for preventing his nap. The culprit was Iida. Dammit, Iida! A few days after the USJ attack, Ojiro and Iida decided to make a group chat. Because isn't that just a great idea?

Iida: make sure you're in time today so whoever is subbing for us for homeroom has it easier.

'Doesn't he realize Aizawa-Sensei will probably still show up?' Izuku mused.

Midoriya: Can I leave this group chat? I don't do people.

Bakugo: Shut it, Glasses! And take me out of this stupid group as well.

Ojiro: Who said Sensei won't show?

'Thank god, at least someone else understands that Sensei doesn't let injures stop him. If patrolling didn't stop him, why the hell would teaching stop him?'

Iida: He's still healing, so of course he won't show.

Izuku rolled his eyes as he pocketed his phone. Iida was so nieve at times it was annoying. Izuku tried to go to sleep once more, but then Kaminari and Ashido entered the classroom. They were discussing the topic of vigilantes as they always were when they entered the classroom.

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