We're in This Together!

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This chapter was written on three to four hours of sleep. So I apologize for any grammar errors and please bear with me. This song, which I mentioned in the last chapter, fits Izuku and Ojiro somewhat in this chapter. I have a list of like 40 songs to choose from for chapters and I've got a few from it that I want to use for the next chapter where Izuku chooses to become a vigilante. (They'll be at the bottom of the chapter, so please vote on one of them to be in the next chapter) Also, I just now remembered All Might trained him for 10 months! So I guess I'm gonna have to do time skips in further chapters so we don't end up with too many chapters before the UA entrance exam. Also, I just went over wiki to make sure I got Ojiro's character right and I didn't know he was sheepish and bashful... I'm so gonna exploit that! Without furthermore, let's get on it!

Izuku woke up to sunlight shining through his window. With a yawn, he pushed himself up and glanced towards his clock to see that it read 10:23am. He sighed and pushed himself out of bed to grab some clothes to wear today; which were his "T-shirt" shirt, and green shorts. He then walked to the kitchen in a sleepy manner. In the kitchen was mamma Inko sipping on coffee and eating some rice and miso soup. She looked up to see Izuku sitting down at the table.

"Good morning Izuku."

"Mooorrning mom." Izuku responded with a yawn.

Inko got up and made Izuku a bowl of rice and a bowl of miso soup then gave them to Izuku.

"Hey, Mom? I'm gonna head to the Cafe then spend 2 hours clearing the beach today. Is that okay?" Izuku asked as he took a bite of rice.

"Sure Sweetie, just be careful and watch where you walk."

Izuku scarfed down his food and quickly hugged his mom saying  "Yes mom, I know. I'll be careful. Love you!"

Izuku ran to his room to grab some money, his hero analysis notebook, phone, and his yellow backpack before running to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. He then went to the door to slip on his red shoes and practically flew out the front door, slamming it behind him. Izuku ran down the street while thinking of what part of the beach he would try to clean today. He wasn't going to do too much today seeing it was his resting day, but he was going to try to make some progress today. His thought process switched to what he would get at the Cafe when he got there. He liked the drink he got last night and decided he wanted to go there again to try something else. But what would he get to drink?

Izuku was snapped out of his thoughts when he overheard the yelling of Kacchan. That's not good. Izuku took a turn down a side street to avoid the explosive classmate. While it wasn't the safest street to be on, Izuku would rather take his chances than have a run-in with Kacchan. Thankfully he didn't run into any trouble and made it to the Cafe within 5 minutes. (So it took him like 7 minutes overall of running to get there...) Izuku rushed into the Cafe, almost out of breath. The clock on the wall read 10:59. He ordered a Peppermint Latte and looked around for somewhere to sit while he waited for it to be ready. He noticed Ojiro was sitting in the back right corner on a beanbag, studying something while sipping on a coffee. Eraserhead, in his civvies, was at a table in the back left corner. He seemed to be grading papers of some sort- wait, is he a teacher?! Wait...wait...WAIT! Does that mean he teaches at UA?! Having Eraserhead as a teacher sounded amazing yet terrifying at the same time. Oh god- what if Izuku got in and got him as a teacher? Then again, Eraserhead might be more accepting of a quirkless student than most heroes- and heroes did teach the courses there. So perhaps it was safe to hope he gets him as a teacher.

"Here's your Peppermint Latte Sir."

Izuku snapped out of his thoughts and took the drink with a thank you. He decided to put those thoughts of Eraserhead maybe being his teacher at UA aside for now and went over to Ojiro.

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