Nothing Can Stop Me Tonight

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Hey guys. Wow, didn't notice it was time to update again... sorry. I've been stressing over a lot lately so I tend to lose track of time...  Also, no real fire extinguishers were harmed in the making of this chapter. (RIP fire extinguisher, you shall be missed.) Also, I had this song on loop the whole time I typed the chapter, so It might have some influence over this chapter and future chapters.  Anyways, here's the next chapter!

Okay, so maybe letting that video get published was a bad idea. Like a really, really, bad idea. Maybe it should have occurred that assholes like him would start chasing after Verde. But hey, at least he got to meet Ingenium. So that's cool. Then again, he should have laid low for a week or two. Well, what's done is done. Izuku sighed as he climbed through his bedroom window. Yes, he scaled the apartments to get in. No, he didn't use the walls! Are you crazy? He used the fire escape. (His mom told him no more nightly training after school today due to crime rates, so he is now using his window to sneak out unnoticed.)So now, as he closed his window and sat on his bed, he started to regret his life choices. Keyword started. You see, despite what just happened tonight, he wanted more. He wanted to feel the thrill of running on the rooftops and street, and the feeling of escaping the heroes that are trying to stop him. It was exhilarating! Despite the fact that he was at a higher risk of being caught now, he still wanted to go out there! That feeling he got whenever he saved someone or stopped an illegal trafficking ring. Then there was Eraserhead. Man, did he love it when Sensei showed up! 

Eraserhead was just so much fun to mess around with. Let's not forget, he's one of the few that don't try to use excessive force like some people do when trying to capture him! If he didn't know better, he might even say Eraserhead is going soft on him. That he's not trying as hard a before. But that's nonsense, right? I mean, why would Eraserhead be going easy on the one kid who drives him bunkers? It's probably because he's a kid. 'Yeah, that's it. Can't accidentally hurt the kid now, right?' Izuku smirked to himself as he pulled his outfit off from his spot on his bed. He had a big burn right on his back. You know, where that piece of flaming trash hit him. Call him spiteful, but Endeavor sucks! I mean, the guy tried to kill him! Like, he tried to use Prominence Burn on him! He could have turned Verde to ash! Like, what the fuck is wrong with him?! That power move completely incinerates the target! Izuku knows the police know he is a kid. So he knows that any Pro that goes after him has that info. So that just proves how much of a douche that flaming turd is! 'oh well, no use in dwelling over the past. Besides, I got my revenge anyways.' Izuku thought as he got under the covers in just his sweat pants. He then preceded to fall asleep. The clock read 11:49 pm.

~~~~~~~~2 and a half hours earlier~~~~~~~~

'There were at least ten heroes out tonight. They must really want to catch Verde, huh?' Verde mused to himself as he neared the area he ran into Shinso the previous night. Oh well, not like they can catch him anyways. A giant flame lit up the sky from a nearby alleyway. 'Fuck, he's out here?!' Izuku quickly dashed into the alleyway next to him and scaled up the fire-escape. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! Fucking Endeavor is here!!! Hopefully hiding on a rooftop would help me not get noticed by the murderous hero. Wait, why is he allowed to be a hero if he kills people? Nope, not the time to be thinking about that! Got to get away from him before I become bacon!' Izuku was panicking. But could you blame him? This is fucking Endeavor we are talking about! He'll just wait on this rooftop for him to leave.

After about ten minutes of waiting, Endeavor finally left towards the east side of Verde's patrol area. Well then, guess we know where Verde is not patrolling tonight. With a sigh of relief, Verde slowly made his way down the fire-escape and headed further into his patrol area. Maybe he'll be lucky and not run into anyone? Is that too much to ask? Of course, it is. Verde groaned at the thought of how frustrating tonight was going to be. At least, no other heroes were in sight right now. That's good, right?

Verde (quirkless Deku AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ