The World's Gonna Know Your Name!!!

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Song starts around 31 seconds into video. Thanks to @RobotAlienQerv for the choice of song above. I really needed help decided which song to use and you're vote was appreciated. Also the Change of Heart Arc has begun. This Arc will deal with young Izuku realizing that he wants to be a hero right now and not wait to get a license. Though he's still going to UA so no worries.  He's just getting a wake up call to reality that not all crimes can be stopped in time by heroes. Also I don't remember how much of the beach was covered in trash so let's go with half a mile long- yeah, that sounds realistic. Also, I'm still somewhat confused on the martial arts and their moves even after watching so many videos on them and reading articles, so please bare with me- I might get somethings wrong. (I will sadly DX) Without further ado, let's get on with chapter 3!

A month has passed since Izuku and Ojiro have become friends. It was Saturday, and the boys found themselves practicing Aikido at the beach in a clearing that they had rid of trash. The clearing was rather large, being about 176 yards long. (I do not remember how far it was from the stairs to the water  so you can make up that length DX)Izuku had gotten better over the month at Aikido, as well as his other classes, and could occasionally beat Ojiro now. Though, most of the time, Ojiro would win. Ojiro was getting better at analyzing, though Izuku liked to trip him up sometimes by asking him to remember things he might not think to look out for.

"What coffee did I order today?" Izuku asked as he maneuvered around Ojiro's attempt to flip him.

"Hmmm, I believe it was a Caramel Macchiato. A Medium-sized one?" Ojiro replied unsurely as he tried to once again flip Izuku, only for Izuku to sidestep and flip him over his shoulder.

"Correct. You're getting better at your analyzing Mashi." Izuku responded as Ojiro got up.

"Thanks, Zuku. You're getting better at flipping me so I guess we're both improving." Ojiro dusted the sand off of him, "We should end this here."

They had developed nicknames for each-other a week ago...

Izuku was with Ojiro at the Cafe in a window booth, both of them goofing off as youngsters should. They were telling funny stories and making jokes about their past-selves. Overall, they were having fun. That is till they heard yelling from outside.

"DEKUUUUU! That damn nerd! How dear that quirkless nerd still aim for UA! I'm going to be the only one from our school to go there! He better not be looking down on me!"

"Oh no..." Izuku said he slowly slide down to hide under the table so he couldn't be seen through the window.

"Well, if it isn't the famous Kacchan? What's he mad about this time- not that I've ever seen him not walking around like a ticking time bomb." Ojiro mused.

"Yeah... he's still mad about me wanting to go to UA." Izuku replied as he looked down.

"Well, no use in fretting over something we can't control. The only thing we can do is stand tall and hold our heads high. Maybe if you show him that you are not his punching-bag anymore, he'll back down."

"And if he doesn't?"

"Then you could always go 'ninja' on him." Ojiro said as he grinned.

"Mashirao! I can't fight Kacchan, I'll get in trouble!" Izuku laughed with fake horror.

Kacchan and his lackeys walked past the Cafe, causing Ojiro to look up so if he was seen they wouldn't know he was talking to someone that was hiding- Kacchan knows about their friendship so this is vital that he doesn't know Izuku is there. A few seconds later the trio had walked past the Cafe.

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