Chapter 78: waiters

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Warning : This chapter contains sexual content.

Hunter's POV

I paced up and down her room as I waited for her to finish taking her shower. I was really angry how could she let herself get that wasted, what if someone saw her that drunk and decided to take advantage of her.

After a few minutes the bathroom door opened reviling Amanda in nothing but a towel, her hair was wet and she looked really sexy in a towel. I shook my head then remembered why I was there.

"How are you feeling" I asked. She averted her gaze.

"I just have a slightly headache" she answered.

"Of course you'd have a fucking headache you were fucking drunk, why did you even go to the club last night" I boomed making her flinch.

"I-i-uh"she shut up.

" I'm fucking disappointed in you Amanda how could you let yourself get that wasted, didn't you think of what would have happened if you weren't with your friends. You didn't even call me to let me know "I scolded running a hand in my hair

" I just wanted to forget somethings. Thanks for picking me up and bringing me to your house"she answered then took a sit on her bed.

"I know I fucked up, I shouldn't have said all that I was just angry you thought I cheated on you with Kira and I shouldn't have met up with Talia without letting you know but this rebellion is getting on my nerves, once I find out who's influencing you  to go against my word I'm to crush that person" I warned. She signed.

"No one is influencing me, you know everything I do right"she replied

I kneeled down in front of her then held her hands. She was frowning,I didn't like it when she was sad.

" my love-"she cut me off when he turned my head examining my cheek.

"What happened to your cheek" she asked noticing my red cheek.

"Well when we got home last night I tried putting you to bed and you kept on slapping me" I replied, she cupped my cheeks.

"I'm sorry,does it hurt" she asked. I stared into her eyes then shook my head.

I cupped her cheeks as well then captured her lips. She kissed me back instantly, I stuck my inside her mouth exploring every inch of her mouth. I pulled away.

"I want you right now" I commented as I placed my forehead on hers.

"I love morning sex" she replied.

She moved up on the bed, sitting at the center. I crawled to her than captured her lips as I got on top of her.

"Ha sex for breakfast, classic" I heard Zack's voice making me pull away.

"Zack what are you doing here, I'm in the middle of something" I asked facing him.

"I can see and I'm not planning on interrupting, I just wanted to let you know I'm going out to finish a few businesses I won't be in the office any time soon" he explained.

"OK,have fun" I answered.

"You too, why don't you give her the hunter expo,I'm sure she'll love it for breakfast" he asked making me send him a smirk.

"She's not ready for all that, she's too young for me to make her experience all that" I replied making Zack laugh.

"I think it will give her maximum pleasure" Zack answered.

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