Chapter 13: lesson

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Amanda's POV

I've been crying since I woke up, the wounds on my body hurt a lot. Hunter had never beaten me up using a whip. That side of Hunter just gave me nightmares.

I was still in shock. One minute I'm walking around the city and next I'm back in that same house, in that same room.

Everything made me just feel like giving up. I learned something when I escaped,there was no escaping him. I was stuck in that house forever.

I lost all trust in the fact that hunter had a sweet spot for me. All those assumption I had that he somehow cared died the minute he decided to beat me up like I was his punching bag.

I didn't notice as Zack walked in and sit on the bed next to me.

"Hey Amanda how you'd sleep" he asked as if mocking me.

"I know you are hurt both mentally and physically. Hunter shouldn't have beaten you this badly"

No answer.

"You brought this upon yourself,well did you have to do all this"he asked and I turned away from him.

" Amanda I'm sorry but you have to realize that you are hurting yourself and hunter by continuing to fight him "

"Get out" I said quietly.


"I said get the fuck out,I don't want to see your face" I screamed as loud as I could which wasn't much because I'd been screaming so much the previous night that I lost my voice.

"Amanda I just came to talk" he said and I stood from the bed.

"Get the fuck out of here. You were the one who brought me back here in the first place. I hate you" I shouted and he stood up.

"Don't blame me for something you did. In fact you should be thanking me that I was the one who came to collect you because if hunter was there he would have killed you" Zack said and I turned away from him.

"I'd be better off dead" I said and I heard him sigh.

"You are very lucky you know, even if you don't realize it. You have a man who is willing and ready to fight the entire world for you. He seeks joy in your happiness, he finds peace in your presence,he yearns to worship you like the queen you are" Zack said and I turned to him.

"I didn't ask for all this, I don't want anything. All I want is my freedom. Look at these Marks Zack, I didn't ask to be treated like an animal" I said as I began crying.

"He doesn't treat you like an animal" he defended.

"Then what is this kind of punishment. I don't want to end up a slave to a ruthless,insane ,rich spoiled brat who thinks the world belongs to him. I hate everything about him he is nothing but-" I was cut off when the door opened and in came the demon himself.

"Your insults hurt me a lot you know" he said with a deep chuckle as he closed the door.

"I-i-i-" I struggled to find the words. My whole body was shaking from fear.

"You might be the love of my life but that doesn't give you a right to talk that way to Zack" he half shouted making me jump and move back a bit.

"Hunter-" Zack started but hunter cut him off.

"Didn't you learn your lesson yesterday. Do I need to beat you up again" Hunter said then wanted to slap me but Zack held his arm blocking him.

"Don't listen to them, just relax. Look at her you're scaring her" Zack said and hunter took a deep breath then let it out.

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