Chapter 56: dress up

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♠Amanda's POV♠

"A few more hours till you see your dad again,how do you feel" I asked laying down on the bed.

"Nothing, I feel absolutely nothing" he replied as he continued typing on his laptop.

It had been a few days since everything happened,it was a Saturday the day Hunter's father's party was being held. I had tried my best to support him on this even if I didn't even want him to go.

And as for me I was still depressed over what happened to me and I got the same nightmares of the same night but I kept it hidden from everyone even hunter since I spent the night at my apartment with blue while hunter slept at Zack's apartment.

Hunter hadn't tried to touch me since the incident, I didn't know if it was because he was disgusted with me or because he felt pity but forget having sex with me, he had even kissed me for like 4days now. I knew he was probably doing it  for my own good but it just made me feel insecure about my body.

I had decided to stay the night at Zack's apartment thinking hunter and I could have some intimate time but all I got was a movie marathon and him staring at me with a smile for a long time.  Zack and luana were busy whispering things to each other which puzzled me,did I miss something.

"You sure nothing at all. You don't feel I don't angry,upset, excited. You are going to meet the man who killed your mother"I asked. He took his eyes off the laptop and faced me.

"And that's all he'll ever be. If I feel anything it's pity for crushing his little party and what will happen to his guards who will attempt to follow us" he explained. I sat up

"Wow you really know him. You and I have never been in a car chase before" I stated making him laugh.

"Stick around with me and it will happen" he answered.

"Hey by the way I heard you have luana's parents held captive what are you planning on doing with them" I asked. He smirked.

"The asshole dared to hit Zack, he almost killed him the only punishment is death put first I have to deal with my so called father" he answered.

"I guess you're right, hmm since we got back it's been problem after problem. I somehow wished we stayed back at the beach house"I stated.

He closed the laptop,placed it on the table then walked over to the bed. He took a steat next to me and held my hands.

" I know everything has been hectic since we got back. I'm so-sor-sorry"he apologized. I smiled,he really has trouble saying sorry.

"It's not your fault. I just miss the beach house,I miss us going on romantic walks on the beach at night, taking photos of everything we did, swimming, watching TV till we start making out. Staying indoors having sex all day and all through the night-" I blurted out. My cheeks turned red when I realized what I said. He chuckled.

"My love we can still do all that right here or at the new house when we move next week" he stated moving closer to me.

I leaned in but as my lips brushed against his,he pulled away then run a hand in his hair as he started talking to himself. Was he disgusted by me.

I shook off the anxiety then cupped his cheek and kissed him. He didn't kiss me back at first but soon enough he put his hand behind my head and kissed me back.

I laid down on the bed and in a matter of moments he was on top of me devouring my lips in an urgent kiss. The feeling felt so good,I'd really missed it.

He pulled away then started kissing my neck and suddenly I started to feel scared,my heart started pounding and my breath quickened. I wanted him to make love to me very badly but I couldn't understand why I started feeling scared.

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