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So I know some of this may lead you to believe this is a pernico story, but I assure you, if you think that, you will be disappointed.

Percy's POV,

Forget me... why should I care? Erase all the memories, all the pain, all the joy, all the love. Erase me from your heart and leave mine to ache. Forget my existence and it will start to fade. Forget me and see if I forget you just the same way... but you'll never remember what I had to say. You can forget but I will feel its pain every day.


          Her glare was like daggers, from across the pavilion I could feel them pierce me. Days ago we had fought. Days ago things had been alright. But now, she won't speak to me, won't sit with me. If it weren't for the glares she gave me, I would have thought I did not exist.

         I watched Annabeth take her seat next to Hazel and felt my heart twist. Today she sat down without even a glance at me. The others ignored me anyways but her... really?

         No one knew me it seemed. That all looked at me strange. I was the new camper, the odd kid who seemed to know everyone but none knew me. Believe me, I tried talking to some- like the Stolls or Thalia when the hunters visited- but they forgot I had spoken to them by the next day.

         I knew they all remembered. They all just thought I was worthless, not worth remembering. I knew they would see it someday. I'm no hero, I'm just a loser.

           I stared at the sevens table with a longing. A week ago they had kicked me out, claimed I wasn't good enough for their group. Annabeth had stuck with me, that is until we fought. Gods, I messed up.

          I watched as my girlfriend throws her head back and laughs. Her smile was bright and brilliant. I couldn't stand fighting with her, it was ripping my soul out from the inside.

         That's it. I got up and stride over to her. Just breathe Percy, I told myself. Breath.

         I tapped her on the shoulder. The rest of the table gave me a funny look, all except Nico that is. Jason tensed as if ready to attack if I did something wrong. Piper glanced between Annabeth and I warily.

        "Annabeth," I started when she turned around to face me. Suddenly my throat felt very dry at the sight of her grey eyes. Hades, just speak, Percy!

       "Uh, um." I swallowed and tried to speak again. "I'm really sorry." My voice came out as a shy whisper.

         Annabeths eyes softened and I let a spark of hope expand in my chest. Certainly she would get over our fight. It was just a harmless squabble. She surely would forgi-

         "Who are you?" Three words that changed my life. Three simple words. Words that seemed to follow me around now days. One glance at the honest look in her eyes and I ran.

         Call me a coward, call me weak. I don't care, why should I? My heart ached and tears threatened to spill out of my eyes as I ran into the deepest parts of the woods. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care.

          I stopped at a clearing in the trees. I fell the my knees and wept. My tears stained the soil as sobs racked my throat. Not her. All of them but not her. I thought it would be everyone but her.

           Camp forgot me, Chiron forgot me, my friends forgot me, she forgot me...

          "Was that my destiny? To be forgotten?!" I screamed at the sky. "Is this what the fates believe I deserve! Is this all I'm meant to be! A worthless hero! A coward! Weak! Forgotten!" My voice lowered to a whisper. "Alone..."

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