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This is a prequel to my story Omega of the dead heroes, so if you haven't read it then I suggest you go read it before this but again, it doesn't matter a whole lot (this will have spoilers though, so...). Enjoy!

Percy's POV,

My names Percy Jackson, but of course, you don't know that. I used to be a hero... now, I just a nobody. Forgotten, cast a side.

I've never cared about the attention. All that mattered was my family. I don't have a home anymore, no friends, no family, nada.

I'm sure you all have heard the name Omega. You know, Chaos's champion, commander of the great army, the creepy depressed guy? Yeah, that's me.

You're probably wondering how the Hades I got to be the person I am today? Buckle up cause you're about to find out. I'll save you the long story of the Percy Jackson who was involved in the second Titans war and the defeat of Gaea. No, this isn't about that guy.

This is about the becoming of Omega.


So yeah, that's the short intro.

Stay Healthy!
Last update: 22/05/2020

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